Kim Minju

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Year 2045
Minju just got home from school to an almost empty house. Her parents usually argues every single day. But not today. Today her parents finally filed for a divorce.

Minju: omma I'm home.
Tzuyu: hey sweetie. Are you hungry?
Minju: nope I'm fine. I'm going upstairs to my room
Tzuyu: uhm Minju sweetie can we talk for a while.
Minju: what is it?
Tzuyu: you know me and you're Sana omma already got divorced right? So.... I am planning to go back to Taiwan next week ....with you.
Minju: WHAT? NO! I don't want to go. Why can't we just stay here?
Tzuyu: you know I cannot stay here. I need to go back. We have to go back... home. Besides, this entire neighborhood reminds me of her, of your omma.
Minju: home? This is home. I was born here. I've already made friends in school. I don't want to leave I don't want to leave omma alone. NO!

Minju rushed upstairs to her room. She is upset with her omma. She thought, Why can't they just live in the same country if not in the same neighborhood. Her Sana omma already moved out of their house and is currently living with her friend, Jeongyeon.

*knock knock
Tzuyu: sweetie can I come in?
Minju: *no answer

Tzuyu went inside and sits beside her daughter's bed.
Tzuyu: sweetie I'm sorry if I didn't asked you first. I know it's a big decision. But I cannot just go by myself and leave you here alone.
Minju: I'm not alone. I'm going to live with Sana omma.

Tzuyu was a bit hurt hearing her daughter say that as if she'd rather live with Sana than with her.

Tzuyu: so you'd rather stay here with your Sana omma, than go to Taiwan with me? 😢
Minju: Omma...
Tzuyu: I guess you love her more than me 😢
Minju: it's not like that. You know I love you both the same. It's just that... I don't want to leave Korea. Can we just go somewhere else and not leave this country... we can go somewhere outside Seoul... somewhere outside this neighborhood if that's the problem.
Tzuyu: You know your Sana omma is not Korean either right. Just because she's staying with Jeongyeon unnie for now doesn't mean she's staying here fo good. She might go back to Japan also.
Minju: NO! Ughhh! I hate you. Both of you. Why do you have to get a divorce. Ughhh!!!! get out!
Tzuyu: sweetie calm down.
Minju: Get out of my room. Now!
Tzuyu: ok let's just talk later during dinner... ok?I'm making your favorite.
Minju: I'm not hungry. I'll just sleep early. Good night.
*shuts door behind her omma
Tzuyu: ok sweetie. Maybe tomorrow we can discuss this. Good night.

Around 10pm Minju called her Sana omma.

Minju: omma. *starts crying
Sana: Hey are you ok? why are you crying?
Minju: can I come to you?
Sana: What happened?
Minju: I need to talk to you.
Sana: ok I'll be there in 15 minutes.

After talking to her daughter on the phone. She called her ex wife

Tzuyu: hello
Sana: hey what happened?
Tzuyu: what do you mean? Wait. What time is it?
Sana: Minju called crying. She wanted to see me. I'll be their to pick her up. What did you do?!?
Tzuyu: hey! I didn't do anything. I just told her we're going back to Taiwan next week
Sana: what?!? I told you we still need to discuss this. I am not against you going back home. But you are not taking my daughter with you.
Tzuyu: she's my daughter too.
Sana: whatever. Let Minju decide whether she stays or not.
Tzuyu: she's a minor. She's barely 18.
Sana: just let her decide! Bye.

Sana was on her way out when Jeongyeon saw her
Jeongyeon: hey what's going on
Sana: I'm picking up Minju. She had a fight.
Jeongyeon: with who? Is she ok?
Sana: with her Tzuyu omma
Jeongyeon: oh...It's already late want me to come with you?
Sana: it's ok. It's just a couple of minutes away. I'll be back.

Sana picked up her daughter at the bus stop. The drive back to the house was silent.

The two arrived back to Jeongyeon's place.
Sana: this is auntie Jeongyeon. This is her place. Say hi.
Minju: hi.
Jeongyeon: hey sweetie. Are you ok?
Minju: yes. Sorry for barging in so late.
Jeongyeon: it's ok. We're family.

Minju wasn't sure what that means. Family? She barely knew this person. She only heard about her Because her Sana omma would stay with her whenever she had a fight with Tzuyu.

Minju: family? Wait.... are you two dating? Is that it? Is that why you got a divorce?
Sana: what?!? No sweetie. Jeongyeon unnie is an old friend. We go way back. Me, you Tzuyu omma, Jeongyeon unnie and her wife Nayeon unnie
Jeongyeon: yeah... uhmm ex wife... and Don't worry kid she's not my type 😂
Sana: yeah. 😂

With all the commotion in the living room,  Jeongyeon's daughter, Yujin went downstairs to see what's going on.

Yujin: omma?
Jeongyeon: oh sweetie. I'm sorry. Did we wake you up.
Yujin: no it's ok
Jeongyeon: anyway we have a visitor. Say hi.
Sana: Yujin, this is my daughter , Minju
Yujin: hi
Minju: hi
Jeongyeon: I think you both go to the same school in Yongsan. Right?
Yujin: oh really. What grade are you? Im in 3rd grade. I'll be in high school soon.
Minju: I'm already in high school.
Yujin: oh... unnie....anyways can we be friends? 🤙🏼
Minju: uhmmm yeah sure.
Yujin: uhmm unnie? Wanna go to my room. I have a lego collection.
Jeongyeon: sweetie I think you two can chat again tomorrow. It's already passed 12. Let her rest. Ok?
Minju: it's ok auntie Jeongyeon
Jeongyeon: Yujin why don't you show her to the other guest bedroom.
Yujin: ok.

The two went upstairs while chatting

Sana: unnie... thank you
Jeongyeon: i told you we're family. Besides what's the point of having 2 guest bedrooms 😂 but seriously though talk to Tzuyu. Getting a divorce is way more complicated and difficult for the child. The way I see it. Minju is suffering the most in this situation.
Sana: yeah I know.
Jeongyeon: take it from me. You may see Yujin as a happy kid but I know deep inside she's also suffering.
Sana: is Nayeon unnie picking her up tomorrow?
Jeongyeon: yeah next week she's staying with Nayeon unnie.
Sana: at least your ex wife still lives in Seoul. Unlike mine.
Jeongyeon: what do you mean?
Sana: Tzuyu is planning on going back to Taiwan. And she's taking Minju with her.
Jeongyeon: What?!?

Meanwhile upstair. While Minju is in the washroom preparing to go to bed. Yujin heard the discussion downstairs

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