2- Soon Enough

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Its been a few weeks since your "date" with Spencer and you had come to the conclusion that you do have a tiny crush on him. I mean, who wouldn't? After the "date", you and Spencer were hanging out together quite often. You two would go out whenever you had the chance.

You have been to the museum, aquarium, film festivals, arcades, and dinner. Sometimes you would even invite each other to your own place to just order Chinese take out and watch movies. To be honest, you wouldn't change it for the world.

You didn't know what your relationship with Spencer was, you just always called a friendship in front of him when he met your friends. Same thing with Spencer. He introduced you to his team as his friend. You didn't mind, you really liked his friends. You had become especially close to Emily and Derek. They were like your siblings you could always count on. And Spencer's team seemed happy to have met you and become close with you.

Derek always teases Spencer about you being more than just a friend, Spencer would just blush and turn him down. In front of Spencer and the team, you would just laugh it off, but inside you really did want it to happen. You couldn't say anything just yet, you had just met Spencer although it seemed as if you known him forever. At this point, you didn't think much of telling Spencer how you felt, you just lived your life and went on adventures with Spencer.

Today, you decided to relax, and go with the flow as the day goes on. You didn't have much going on anyways.. until Spencer texted you.

Spencer: Y/n, I am going to be picking you up at 4. We are going out to have a fun time.


You thought it was cute that Spencer didn't get the point of modern technology. You came confused as to where it was you were going, so you politely asked.

Y/n- Okay, where to?

Spencer- That will have to wait, I want to keep it secret.


You were very curious, so you check the time and decide it was time to get ready. You had just washed your hair so you just had to get dress. This time, you didn't think it was to anywhere fancy so you put on some mom jeans, a loose graphic tee, a sweatshirt, and pair it with your high-top converse and denim jacket. It was pretty cold outside for you so you decided to double up on warm clothing.

Soon enough, Spencer showed up at exactly 4 to pick you up. You head to your day and you grab your wallet and phone on your way out. "Hey Spencer! Wow, I feel under-dressed, you look great" you tell him, now feeling insecure about your outfit choices. He was wearing a button down shirt, a tie, and a vest over it with his usual pants . "Th- Thank Y/n, you look beautiful, don't worry" he replied insuring you. You blushed at his complement while you turned away to lock your apartment door.

The car ride to the mystery destination was filled with some of Spencer's favorite songs, this included some old classics. As Spencer was singing along, he would state some fact about the song or the artist as he clung onto the steering wheel. . As you admired him singing out of tune, you quickly made it to a cute small park.

When you got out, Spencer headed to the trunk of his car. "What, where are you going the park is over here" you pointed to the entrance of the park. "I know, I am just grabbing some things" he said as he grabbed a wood basket. Now you were guessing you were going on a picnic or something.

Unexpectedly, he grabs your hand and leads you to near by table. You got all set up and started to eat the food that Spencer said he had made. Not expecting much, he pulls out some turkey sandwiches and drinks. "I'm sorry this is nothing fancy, i'm no cook" He said chuckling. You started to eat and you admired the nature that surrounded you.

With Spencer telling you some facts about each plant that you seen, you didn't think it could get any better. You and Spencer start to clean up and pack everything into his car. There was still a few hours until sundown so you decided to take a walk. As you were walking Spencer stopped you and pointed to a plant "did you the Earth has more than 80,000 species of edible plants but mankind only chooses to eat about 30 of them?". Not surprising that Dr. Reid would state some fact of edible plants. You didn't mind, you thought he was cute when he rambled on about something. As the sun went down, you started walk back to Spencer's car.

You spot a batch of roses and mentioned it to Spencer, "look, that's a lot of roses". As you and Spencer walk up to the roses, he picks one that had fallen and gave it to you. "Y/n, I know I've only known you for like a month but its like I've known you my whole life. You are really sweet and beautiful, smart, and funny and I just-" He kept on talking as you trying to take in everything he was saying. You finally snap back in reality to hear what he was saying, "and I really like you".

What is happening? Am I dreaming? Once you heard Spencer stop talking you immediately try to form words and respond, "Um- yes, yeah.. I mean I really like you too". After what seemed like what came out of a Disney movie, you start making it back home. The car ride home was the same as the car ride to the park.

Once you make it home, you get into some comfortable clothes and decide it was time for bed. Tonight was different, you went to bed extremely happy. Happy even though you still didn't know where you stand with Spencer. You didn't care, you know he liked you and that was enough for you.

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