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"Don't pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living. And above all, those who live without love."
-Albus Dumbledore.


The Queen rushed out after Atticus, with Aurellius trailing behind her.

"Rory! What happened?" He called out from behind her, unsure of why his wife was being a little extra moody that particular day.

She had her bad days, when she would just sit and lament over the good old days.

Aurellius did feel a little jealous of that man, having given Rory more memories in two summers than Aurellius had made with her for a hundred summers. But he had no idea how to tell her...

The Queen suddenly turned around and faced the king regent, "Why wasn't he here, Aurellius? Why wasn't he here to see Augustus like the rest of the parents?"

"Maybe he got busy..." Aurellius trailed off. He couldn't tell his wife the truth. She would be broken.

The Queen sighed, "If I know anything about him, he would cut off his own hand if he had to, to see his son before the mission," she gasped, "What if he didn't want to meet me?"

"You're wrong my Queen," came Atticus' voice from behind Aurora. She whirled around to face the large man, her desperation swirling through her mind like a storm.


Atticus looked down, his face filled with a mix of emotions, mainly shame and grief.

Aurora wondered why Atticus looked so sad, so torn.



No no no.

No that didn't happen. She refused to believe that to be an option.

"My Queen I-" Atticus' voice broke.

She could feel the tears swelling in her eyes before Atticus could even finish his sentence.

"I am so sorry," Atticus said and a choked sob escaped her throat.

"D-don't t-tell me what I-I think it is," she stuttered. She instantly felt Aurellius' hand pressed on the small of her back as a gesture of comfort.

"Trystan Wells passed away last summer."

That was all it took for her to crumble down to the floor of the balcony, every fibre of her being working desperately to help her control the will to rip her hair out.

She felt one tear roll down, then two, and within a moment her entire eyes were burning with the enormity of the amount of tears that they had shed. Her face was swollen as well as soaked with tears.

Her body shook with violent sobs as she cried out his name.

He was gone.

"No. I refuse to believe this," she said with a stern voice, looking around to see if this was a deliberate prank planned by him to surprise her.

She waited for him to jump out of a corner and scare her, then laugh at her expression and smile that breathtaking smile of his.

But he was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is he?" She said desperately, "I know he's hiding somewhere. YOU CAN COME OUT NOW TRYSTAN!"

"Rory," came Aurelius voice in a soft whisper.

"Relly you wait and see. You'll love Trystan," she said, still looking around for the love of her life.

"Rory...There was a fire in Fillian last summer and he..." Aurellius trailed off.

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