Chapter 1

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Hi everyone! Just so everyone knows, I've placed George and OC as seniors in high school. Please enjoy the first chapter and leave a review! There is like 1 mildly inappropriate word in this chapter, and I will be trying to keep this story clean since SM6 doesn't swear!

Chapter 1

    Sophie groaned as her alarm blared at her. 6:20 was an ungodly hour to wake up at, and she didn't think she could ever get used to waking up this early. After her alarm woke her up two more times, she rolled out of bed. She pulled on some leggings and a burnt orange sweater. October was bringing cooler weather to Illinois, and Sophie was looking forward to the holidays coming up. She quickly brushed her teeth, and made herself presentable in the mirror. Sophie didn't bother with makeup, it only made her face break out when she wore it every day.

    Returning to her room, she grabbed her backpack and stuffed the papers and textbooks she needed for the day inside. She unplugged her laptop, stuffed that in too and promptly zipped up her bag. Sophie grabbed her jacket, phone and headphones before headed outside.

    She walked down her driveway towards the beginning of the cul de sac she lived in. The bus was going to be there shortly to pick her and the Jones siblings up.

    "Morning Sophie! How are you?", called Isabel. Sophie turned her head to watch the older half of the Jones siblings walk over to her. Isabel, Adam and George all greeted Sophie with warm smiles. Just then, the bus came blundering down the street. It stopped in front of them, the brakes squeaking from the cold.

The four of them crammed themselves into the bus, their backpacks hitting the seats as they moved down the narrow path to find an open seat. George sat down at an empty one, and Sophie quickly followed to sit next to him. George's cheeks turned pink and he smiled a little to himself. They both got situated as the bus jolted forward.

"I don't know why, but I had such a hard time writing that essay for Mrs. Hasen's class. How did you do writing yours?" Sophie inquired. She had been up late last night working on her essay for Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway. Although it was a short story, their teacher wanted them to pull as much meaning as they could from it.

George shrugged his shoulders, "I think I did good. You should have sent it over to me, I would have read it."

"Maybe next essay I will Mr. Straight A's", teased Sophie. George's cheeks grew redder at that comment. Sophie noticed this and glanced away, a smile ghosting her lips.

The two chatted lightly during the rest of the bus ride to school. Sophie tried to keep the conversation light, even though her stomach felt like it was dropping lower and lower as the bus got closer to the school. Although she looked forward to these moments on the bus with George in the morning, she knew her boyfriend would be waiting for her at school.

Like clockwork, as soon as her and George got off the bus Sophie's boyfriend whisked her away from George. Nathan sneered at George as he tugged on Sophie's arm. She tried to get a goodbye out, but Nathan was too quick to pull her away.

"I thought I told you I didn't like when you hung out with him, babe. I don't trust him", grumbled Nathan. Sophie sighed and shook her head.

"Nate, we've talked about this before. He's my best friend, I'm not going to stop being friends with him because you don't trust him. Maybe if you got to know him you'd trust him more", she tried to reason with him. This was her usual response to him acting like this around George. Nate never took the time to get to know her friends when they first started hanging out. He just expected Sophie to only hang out with him and his friends. She didn't mind this at first. She had wanted to make a good impression for him and his friends. But after a few months it felt like Nathan monopolized her time. Sophie had lost a few of her friends because of this relationship. She refuses to lose her friendship with George though, no matter what Nathan tries to do.

Nathan and Sophie walked hand in hand down the crowded hallway to their first class. They only had two classes together, history and PE, which was a blessing for Sophie.

Nathan rolled his eyes at the idea of getting to know her friend better. Sophie was getting ready to let go of his hand for her first class, English, when Nate spun her closer to him and deeply kissed her. Sophie's cheeks turned crimson as she heard students catcall walking past them. Nathan pulled away and Sophie hit his shoulder. He looked past her shoulders, and smirked. Sophie turned her head to the side and saw George staring at them. His face fell when he saw Sophie looking over at him, and quickly ran into their classroom.

"Bye babe. Can't wait to see your ass in those shorts I like!" Nathan gave her one more kiss before stalking off, high fiving his friends as they passed.

Sophie looked down at the ground, mustering the courage to walk into the classroom. Her eyes burned at the spectacle her boyfriend created, and felt eyes on her from every direction. Of course George was right there, I swear Nathan only does stuff like this when he's around.

She quickly walked into her classroom and sat in her seat next to George. He gave her a brief smile, and then turned his head away from her. She tried to catch his eye but he was too focused on the surface of his desk. He fiddled with his pencil, and his face was red. Sophie let out a sigh before she started digging through her bag to find the paper she wrote the night before. The bell rang and their teacher called for their attention. Sophie tried to get George's attention one more time before pulling her focus towards what their teacher was talking about.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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