01- Interrogatory

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I looked towards the two men sitting in front of me, one of them is obviously a policeman, he looks professional, now the second one, that one is a more recognizable face, this asshole is the one who captured me, today makes a week that the not so famous Eraserhead butted in on one of my missions and nearly broke all of my ribs, after that, the man gave me over to the cops and soon I was put in a cell with a cute new accessory, an electrical choker, just in case I tried to escape with my quirk, how thoughtful. But seriously, this guy looks like me on the end of a bad week, and I'm supposed to be a criminal for fuck's sake, apparently, underground heroes aren't that different from vigilantes and hitmen, they just, you know, follow the law and are paid by the government.

Now, I was expecting to be moved to a high-security prison or something, but for some unknown reason, they want to talk to me... again. Ugh, what do these guys want?

-So. Mortis Valentia, is that right?- The policeman finally started talking, has an answer I just nodded slightly.- The name doesn't appear anywhere on the database, so we assume it's fake. Care to tell us your real name?

Eh, it's better if I put this out of the way right away, or else they won't move on, it's not like they are that interested, just getting some loose ends probably.- That's my name, I adopted the Mortis surname after my family kindly enough sold me off. They made it very clear that I wasn't part of the family, so why should I use their name? In fact, the idea of using it is repulsing.

The policeman nodded as if acknowledging something, Eraserhead, on the other hand, didn't seem so pleased.- Sold you of? If they did such a thing, wouldn't you want justice for that?

-Eh, they got what they deserved alright.- I shrugged.- Karma is a bitch you know? And if it interests you that much, the time they sold me wasn't the first time they were messing with the underground society, they had quite some enemies caused by debts, others for other reasons that I don't really know nor care. I don't think they are dead but believe me when I say that you don't want to be blacklisted by four mafias at the same time. The last time I saw them they both had dropped their original surname and were divorced. And in the end, I was... what 6, 7? Around that age when they sold me, it's not like I had time to consider them my parents.

Both men shifted in their seats, maybe uncomfortable by the information? Or maybe they are uncomfortable with whatever they came here to do? Only one way to find out I guess...

-Soooo... Am I going to jail?- I looked at both men trying to figure their facial expressions.- Or do you guys plan on going some kind of agreement?

Eraserhead cleared his throat and the policeman took over himself to answer.- Don't those options scare you?

-I mean, not really, not what I want but is expected.- I hesitated before continuing.- If you break the law you go under, simple. And my entire lifestyle screams criminal, and sincerely, after scaping The Board, prison doesn't sound that scary.

-The Board.- Eraser looked over at me.- Is that what you said your parents sold you off to?


-You ended up there when you were 6?

-Or 7, can't really recall, memories are a fleeting thing. I remember the whole "fight or die" shit, but it was kinda hard to keep a notion of time in there, and I was a kid so it's not like I was trying that hard to count the time.

-How did you survive there?

-What kind of question is that?- I let out a humorless laugh.- I fought.

The man rubbed his forehead and looked at me with a "too tired for your shit" look.- You know what I mean, how did a child survive against adult men, wild animals and god knows what else. And how did you escape? Obviously, you aren't on the list of people who were rescued nor did you went to a police station or a hero for help after you escaped, So... What's the story?

The Iron CheshireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora