04- First Day

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Two weeks passed way too fast, in Nemuri's house I never had a boring moment, when I wasn't training I would be reviewing things to prepare for the academic side of my new responsibility. When I did the questionnaire to test my academic knowledge my results were nearly perfect, Principal Nezu and Nemuri were quite shocked by that. After the results were given Eraserhead was contacted so he would know I was going to be not only his student but also his teaching assistant.

There were some days when Nemuri wouldn't come home because of her hero job, those days I usually just stayed inside and watched tv or messed around on the internet. It was fun, knowing someone on a daily basis and watching them be all domestic is nice, it was also funny as fuck when I discovered her mop slippers, not gonna lie, I adopted that way of cleaning the floor, with them, cleaning day becomes indoors artistic skating, all is good and fun until someone falls on their ass.

But, good things don't last forever, and after arriving at the school building Nemuri left me to find my classroom, according to her I need to take my first steps without her help, whatever that means, I just need to find the 1-A classroom. That can't be that hard. Right? Right.

Anyway, she also told me not to be late for Aizawa's classes for he is a pain in the ass, no shit, I still haven't forgiven him for breaking my ribs. Anyway, apparently, he isn't the nicest and if he thinks the class is mediocre he will kick them out, but that isn't something I need to worry about since I'm a whole different case. Once the class ends he is supposed to give me the basics of the things I'm supposed to do as his assistant. Simple and direct, at least on that we seem to be similar.

Fine, maybe it was kind of a challenge to find the damn classroom, it took me almost 5 minutes to find it, so yeah, good thing I came early. While looking for the classroom I couldn't ignore the ridiculous size of the doors, probably to be accessible even to students with mutation quirks, it also gives a sensation of greatness, like, yeah, this is U.A. the best hero school in Japan, our slogan is Plus Ultra and because of that we go beyond in everything, even in our doors. In the streets that would be called something else, being extra, but it isn't like I'm complaining, in fact, it's kinda cool.
Upon entering the classroom I had to avoid three students blocking the way, a girl and two boys, those three were so focused on their conversation that they didn't even saw me passing by, not a surprise, not making a sound kinda is my thing after all, after passing some other students a girl bumped lightly on my shoulder.
-Oh, I'm sorry, I hadn't seen you miss. I'm Yaoyorozu Momo.
I observed the girl for some seconds, she has a black spiky ponytail and expressive onyx eyes, her posture gives her the rich person vibes, but not the bad kind, after the analysis, I smiled and extended a hand so she could shake it.- Mortis Valentia, please call me Val, I hope I can assist you through the year.
After those words, the girl smiled softly.- Please call me Momo, I can't wait to work with you.
-The feeling is mutual.- Looking around I noticed that almost every chair was occupied, do they have some type of sitting arrangement? Numerical maybe? Should I sit? I mean, I'm a "classmate" but also an assistant, should I seat closer to the teacher or... Eh, fuck it, I'm just going to sit somewhere and then I ask Eraserhead.- By the way, is this desk next to you occupied?
-No, you can sit if you want.
As soon as my ass met the chair a giant yellow caterpillar appeared at the door, please tell me this isn't a Nezu situation, a bear/rat is still slightly bearable (eh, see what I did there), but a giant caterpillar is ridiculous... No, wait... I recognize that caterpillar's face... Isn't that...
-Go somewhere else if you want to go around making friends, this is the hero course.
Yup, that's Eraserhead, he really doesn't give a flying fuck about the whole "public image" thing, does he?

-It took you all 8 seconds to stop with the talking. You kids aren't rational enough.

Damn... He looks as tired as he did when he captured me, seriously, does he always look like this? The other students are even wondering if he really is a hero.

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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