Chapter 1

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~Your POV~
I woke up early. Earlier than my brother that is. Or at least I think I did. I'm not sure. I don't live with him anymore. After junior high, I moved out and into an apartment. So basically I live by myself. It sucks though. I got up and out of bed, grabbing my hairbrush and brushing my short hair.

When I left Teikō Junior High, I decided to cut my long hair. That way I could attempt to get on a boys basketball team without them even knowing. If I went to the same school as my brother then nope! Not gonna happen. He wouldn't let me join.

I grabbed my tracksuit and put it on before leaving my apartment and running to a nearby basketball court with my basketball under my arm. I found a court and went inside, practicing some 3's from centre court. I scored all of them and then got bored. So I tried pulling some slam dunks. God these are harder than they look! How do people do these?!

"Hey! 1-v-1 me." A voice calls out.

I smirk before chucking the ball at him signalling that he can start. He started dribbling the ball on the spot waiting for me to come out in front of him. We then started playing against each other. What's with this guy?! His moves are so easy to read. I read his next move and managed to get the ball off him before immediately shooting a 3. I left him stunned. We played a couple more sets but damn. This guy can't even score against me.

We both got tired and I decided to leave. This was boring anyway. I mean. He was an alright opponent. But he needs major improvements. Like major. I then remembered what school I applied to and decided to go and watch the rest of the team play. Seirin, huh? I wonder if the rest of the team are any good?

I walk in the gym and sat down on the bleachers. The team didn't even see me! Lol. I continued watching the game play before the guy from the park pointed me out. I looked at him like he had 2 heads!

"What the-. You're the person from the park! 1-v-1 me again!" The guy declared.

I shook my head and pointed at the whole team and then at myself.

"You wanna play 5 on 1?" The guy says.

I shake my head yes and go down onto the court. That guy grabbed the ball and I headed on court. I stood in centre and another member threw the ball up. I managed to get the ball and also managed to break through the defence of a team of 5. Man has it been a while since I've played like this! It's exhilarating! We kept going for a bit and I managed to score all my points. All shots I made didn't miss.

The game soon ended with a score of 25-0. I looked at the score and smirked. Damn. This guy can't beat me on his own. And he can't beat me with a team. Welp. I'm glad I came to Seirin. A girl came in and wondered why the hell the team seemed so down.

"Guys. Why are you so down? Practice hasn't even started yet." The person says.

"Coach. Kagami got beat 1-v-1 earlier on and then we lost 5-v-1 just now." A boy says.

"What?! Who?!" The coach says.

Everyone turns to look where I was but I was already out the door. They can get introduced to me tomorrow. When I officially join the school. I ran home and smiled as I ran. Today was such a great day for me! I'm glad to be joining Seirin.

I eventually got home and sat down on my sofa. I sighed before bringing out my phone. I turned it on and saw a message from Kise.

Bro 🏀:
Hey. What u
up 2?

Not much. Just
got back from
beating some
team 5 on 1.

Bro 🏀:
You played 5 on
1?! What team?

They're called
'Seirin'. It's the
school I'm going
to be going to.

Bro 🏀:
Why'd you pick


Bro 🏀:

I have my reasons,
ok?! Now I've gotta
go. See ya!

I placed my phone on the table before going off and having a shower. I had a quick shower and then got out, drying myself off. I headed to my kitchen and started making myself some dinner. I decided on some pot noodles cos I couldn't be bothered to make anything else.

I finished eating and placed my cutlery in the sink. I started feeling tired and headed to bed. I climbed in my bed and immediately fell asleep.

~Time Skip~
It was early in the morning. I woke up and headed to my wardrobe, putting on my school uniform. I got dressed then went downstairs and made myself some breakfast. I ate my breakfast and started to walk to school while listening to music. I shuffled my music and Life is Beautiful by Tani Yuuki started playing.

(A/N: that song is so upbeat and is literally the perfect song to listen to while writing fanfic. You know what, I'll tag the song underneath here.)

I kept walking to school before I eventually arrived. Wonder what that guys expression is gonna be when he founds out I'm not a guy.

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