Chapter 2

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I got to class and went to sit down before the teacher noticed me. Great.

"Oh. You're the new student. Come introduce yourself to the class." The teacher says.

I mentally roll my eyes and head to the front. I looked around at the students and notice the two from the gym the previous day. I recognise the guy with red hair. I think his name was Kogami? I'm not sure about the guy with blue hair. I recognise him though. He went to Teiko, right?

"Hello. I'm Ryouta Y/N. But you can call me Y/N!" I said with a smile. God I want to puke.

"Wait what?!" Kogami says really loudly.

"Kagami. Is there a problem?" The teacher asks.

"N-no sir." He replies.

I giggle a little at his response.

"Any questions for Y/N?" The teacher says.

Kagami puts his hand up. This should be interesting.

"What school did you go to before?" Kogami asks.

"Teiko junior high." I reply.

"You went Teiko?!" Another student said.

"Yeah." I reply.

"What sports do you play?" Another student said.

"Oh just basketball." I say nonchalantly.

"Ok. Let's get on with the lesson." The teacher says.

I go and take a seat at the back of the classroom, near Kagami and the blue haired guy. It was a boring lesson. Soo boring. Kagami and the blue haired guy kept looking over at me. I kept smiling every time. Soon the lesson came to an end and I stayed seated in the classroom.

Since I was new, I didn't really have anyone to eat with. So I just stayed in the classroom and ate my bento there. But then Kagami and the blue haired guy showed up at my desk.

"Why are you eating in here?" Kagami asks.

"Cos." I reply.

"Ok." He pauses and rolls his eyes. "So eat with us." He finishes.

"Oh? Inviting me? Is it cos I beat you twice?" I tease.

"N-no!" He says.

"Yes." The blue haired guy says.

I giggle slightly at his response before following the two to where they ate lunch. The basketball court. Seriously? Of all places? Oh well.

"Ryouta. What made you come here?" Kagami says.

"Huh? Oh. Please. Call me Y/N." I say.

"And I came here because I wanted to." I add.

"Uh huh." Kagami pauses.

"Sure it's not cos you wanted to play basketball?" Kagami counters.

"How can I? There's no girls basketball teams. At any school. I came here cos I thought I'd have the higher chance of getting on to a guys team if I didn't say a damn word." I reply.

"Right." Kagami says.

"What about your brother? Why didn't you go to the same school as him?" The blue haired guy speaks up.

"Wha- Kuroko?! How long have you been here?!" Kagami says.

Kuroko huh. I recognise that name. Wait. How did he know I have a brother?!

"Wait. How do you know I have a brother?!" I exclaim.

"I guessed based on your surname. And you seem familiar." Kuroko answers.

"Familiar how?" I say, cocking my head to the side.

"Like I've seen you before. Back at Teiko." Kuroko says.

"Teiko huh. Oh! I used to watch your practices. Your captain never figured it out. Never even noticed me either. Sometimes I'd get kicked out by someone." I explain.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. I'm lost. You have a brother? Who?" Kagami says.

"One of the Generation of Miracles." Kuroko says.

"Wha- So that's why you came here?! So you could play against your own brother?!" Kagami says.

"No! He'd figure me out in a heartbeat. Why'd you think I cut my hair? So I could play basketball." I counter.

"Right." Kagami says, still not quite getting it.

Shorter chapter this time cos I thought not to drag it on. Please let me know if this book is good, I kinda wrote it on a whim when I first started the anime.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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