𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕪 𝕕𝕒𝕪-𝟚

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In honor of the rain in SoCal, heres a rain story. It's super long🌧




To some those words sound boring. But for me, those words are exciting!

Today it was raining. Hard showers of water poured from the sky. Cold breeze blew throughout my neighborhood.

Me being me, I've always wanted to dance in the rain with someone. Doesn't matter who. Just, someone. But as of right now, I'm limited in friends.

Why? I moved from (your state and town) to the popular city everyone can't stop buzzing about, Los Angelos California. My dad has work here so I had to to leave all my friends behind and come here.

Not that I'm complaining LA is truly magical, but I'm sitting here in my room staring out onto the street, alone. My eyes watch each time as the rain hits the road it makes a splash.

Calming isn't it.

But I can't just sit here wasting away. I should be enjoying this rain while it lasts. No time to sit here a pounder life.

I jump off from my seat by the window. Grab my phone, jacket, and shoes I don't care about. "If you need me I'll be outside" I yelled to my mom

"Okay hunny be careful" my mother yelled back

"I promise"


I open my front door. The loud hits of the rain takes control over my hearing.

I take a deep breath and I run out into the street.

The rain and the breeze immediately hit me by surprise.

I twirl around not wanting this feeling to go away. I take the hood off of my head and let the rain soke into my hair. I stick my tongue out catching little rain drops.

I smiling so wide I'm surprised my face hasn't gotten tired. I let out some laughs and stomp into the puddles.

15mins pass and I'm soaking wet. Do I care at this point? No.

I continue to stomp around in the road till I hear distant noises. I turn around and see another person walking out into the rain from the house next to mine.

As it gets closer I can see it's a boy. He runs out quickly getting hit by the rain as did I. He has a blue jacket on with the hood over his head. He has black pants on that will probably soon be soaked. I couldn't necessarily see his face but I could tell he was around my age.

I lose myself and I stare at him. He holds his hands out catching the rain in his palms. He looks up and sticks his tongue out, as did I.

I think do I introduce myself?'

I walk over to the boy and tap his shoulder. He turns around and I'm in awe.

It's as if the rain had stopped and it was just me and him in the world. His smile just makes me want to melt inside. I can't even think straight.

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