Something diffrent

843 18 4

Warning: SEXUAL content

AN: Hi lovelies, it's been a long time, but I'm really busy these days. Anyway I hope you will enjoy this chapter. If you like it you can vote and/or comment.

Love you all

Dedicated to: BrollinsFan thank you for always being by My side

Becky bit back a devilish smile. An interesting idea had just popped into her head. She and Seth had just gotten home from a failed outing with Paige and Dean. Soon after they had all arrived, Dean and Paige had gotten into such nasty argument, Dean ended up storming out. Which left Becky and Seth to console a sobbing Paige for the last two hours. The whole affair had caused Becky to drink quite a few more glasses of wine than she usually would and thus, she found herself in quite a daring mood.

Becky watched hungrily as her husband finished locking up the apartment. Her eyes focused on his every movement, as if she were watching her prey. She had to admit it had been a while since the two had been intimate, though it wasn't for the lack of interest. Rather, the two of them had wildly different schedules, causing them to see very little of each other. Seth turned back towards her; his face, while perfectly statuesque, had a shadow of weariness. He loosened his tie and gave her a bemused look.

"That was an absolute shit-show. Next time you want us to spend time with your friends, choose Finn. He and I get along at the very least." She rolled her eyes, but she couldn't deny that tonight was truly awful. However, she knew that the night was about to get loads better. She moved towards him, took one of his hands into her own and began to lead him toward their bedroom.

"Darling, you had quite a bit to drink tonight." Seth's voice held the slightest air of concern. "Would you like some water?" Becky bit back a smile, she really loved that part of him. He'd often put up a cold, uncaring facade around others, but to her he would reveal his true nature. A kind and loving man riddled with social awkwardness and anxiety.

"I'm fine." she responded, bringing him into the room and shutting the door behind him. "If anything, I'm a bit tipsy."

"Well if you change your mind, I can summon you a glass at any time." He started moving towards their bathroom, pulling he took off his tie. He hadn't taken two steps before Becky grabbed his arm and pulled him back toward her. A look of confusion flashed across his face, but it was replaced with surprise as she turned them around and pushed his back up against the wall.

Before he could react, her lips were on his. She kissed Seth passionately, immediately slipping her tongue into his mouth. He tasted of gin. His surprise only lasted a few seconds before he reciprocated with equal fervor. Her hands found their way into his hair, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. She felt high on the taste of his tongue, as he explored all parts of her mouth. It was only the need for oxygen that forced her to pull away. Seth chuckled.

"So, I'm guessing you're in the mood then?" His signature smirk etched across his face.

"Shut up." She panted, before pulling his face back to hers and sealing the space between them. While their tongues wrestled dominance, Becky felt his hands tighten on her hips. He was holding back. Though she had never once turned down an opportunity to shag him; Seth had always put a premium on consent. While she knew that she was of sound mind, she had to let him know too. Becky bit his lip roughly, then ran her tongue over the area to sooth it. It was her telltale sign that she wanted him. Understanding her message, he immediately allowed his hands to roam her body.

Suddenly, she pulled back. She trained her eyes on his. "Don't move or I'll stop." He raised an eyebrow but nodded silently in agreement. With that, Becky began kissing his neck. Licking and biting him, eliciting short sighs of pleasure. She was quick to unbutton his shirt, she wanted to feel him. As she started to move lower with her kisses, she brought her hands down his chest, letting her nails leave light red marks in their wake. The sensation made him inhale with a hiss, a delicious sound that egged her on. As she began to work down his abdomen, she let her eyes flick up to his face. Becky could see the anticipation and desire gleaming in his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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