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The General's arrival caused a flurry around the palace. Maelle had told me how servants had been rushed to General Altan and his ensemble, ready to address their every need.

"He asks for nothing though. Is that not strange?"

I felt her press against my head to lean forward. Brushing through my unruly curls was always an ordeal. "They're all soldiers." I replied. "They must used to living a humble lifestyle."

"I also heard noble ladies have been trying to perch themselves around the garden where the General often sits with his hounds. They all want attention from him— even the married ones." Maelle said, scandalized.

I raised my brows at that. "Is the General married?"

"No." Maelle sighed, "Men like him don't have the same pressure to marry."

I thought about it. I never had to think about marriage before I came here. Now that I escaped the temple marriage was an option again. However, I didn't see it for myself. Even if I did find someone one day, I would spend a lifetime trying to hide my curse.

"Lucky girl, though. Whoever he decides to marry."

"You find him handsome, my lady?" Maelle asked, a smile painting her face.

"Should I not?"

"Well he is, there is no denying that. I also heard that the Prince of Callais is quite handsome as well." Maelle finished tying my hair. Looking in the mirror, I realized the span of a few days had done me some good. Whole food and sunlight made my skin lose some of its sallowness and filled my cheeks a bit.

What does that matter? I thought. "Good for Annette, I suppose." My sick sister would get her prince of a husband at the end of all this and live out the rest of her days in comfort. Fate had dealt her a lucky card in one aspect at least.

I heard the clatter of footsteps outside my chamber door and I knew that my mother had arrived. When she entered, I turned my head to see she had brought a group of ladies with her.

"What is all this?" I asked, watching as the women, who carried baskets of fabric in their hands, set them down in the middle of the floor.

My mother held my gaze for a moment before gesturing to the baskets. "We must fit you for your dress at the ball."

As soon as I stood one of the ladies came over and guided me to the long mirror that sat by the balcony doors. Before I knew it, several hours had passed with me being pricked and prodded by pins and fabrics. The entire time, my mother stood in the background and watched without comment. Finally, when one of the women pulled the last pin from dress and stepped away, I took a breath of relief.

"I'll have something finished by tomorrow." The woman said, looking past me and at my mother. "I'll sew this one to form but the rest I'll leave a bit of room for her to fill out." She looked at me with a hint of pity.

I felt sick standing for so long, but when I tried to sit I immediately heard my mother click her tongue.

"Stand. We are invited to lunch."

"Lunch? With whom?"

"Lady St.Vincent and her ensemble. She'll be trying to gage you up against her daughter, see if you pose any threat."

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