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A/N Just to let you guys know  in this story they have phones Televisions and electricity so you don't get confused. Also Sofia has a twin brother named Skylar. Now let's get on with the story!

Sofia pov

Hi there! I'm Sofia remember me? The little girl who got turned into a princess overnight? Well I'm not so little anymore I'm now 16 and I go to to Ever Realm Academy with my sister Amber. Now enough about me let's get on with my life.

I was sleeping peacefully until.......

"SOFIAAA!!!! GET UP NOW WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!" My sister Amber screamed shaking me up. "Ok,Ok. I'm up now get out so I can change." I said dragging myself out of bed.

"Be down in 20 minutes" said Amber walking out the door. I walked into the bathroom took a quick shower and washed my hair. After I did that I went to my giant closet trying to find an outfit for school.

I decided on a white crop top, ripped jeans and a open ragg sweater and white shoes.

I decided on a white crop top, ripped jeans and a open ragg sweater and white shoes

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                                                           Sofia's outfit.

I then went downstairs for breakfast seeing my family already there. "Morning everyone" I greeted. "Good morning Sofia" They all said "Mowning Sowf" said James while his mouth was stuffed with food. Me and Amber rolled our eyes at our brother and Skylar chuckled.

I took a seat and started eating my breakfast. We ate in silence until mom asked. "Are you four excited for school?" "We sure are" Me, Amber, James, and Skylar said in unison. When we were finished with breakfast, me, Amber, James, and Skyler went outside to our coach.

A Coachman came up to us and said "Your Majesty's I'm afraid of due to terrible weather we had last night one of the carriage's have been damaged"he said. "Okay so guess we will all have to ride in one carriage" said Amber.

We all got in the available carriage and rode off to school. The Coachman dropped me and Amber off at ever realm Academy first. "BYE GIRLS HAVE FUN!!" Yelled James and Skyler from the carriage earning a lot of stares. Me and Amber groaned and waved to our brothers who were already taking off to Chivalry Hall.

As we were about to enter the school we heard a familiar voice."AMBER, SOFIA!!" the voice yelled. We both turned around and saw one of our best friends Peyton. "PEY!" Me and Amber both squealed Happy to see our best friend again.

We embraced each other into a big hug. I was about to say something when we heard two more familiar voices. "Hey girls!!" The voices yelled. We all spun around and saw our other best friends Olivia and Maddylin but they go by Liv and Maddie.

They joined in for another group hug. We pulled away after a few seconds. 

Let me introduce you. Princess Peyton of Cavaria she has light brown hair and blue eyes similar to mine but a little lighter. Then we have Princess Olivia of Oryn she has dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. And finally we have Princess Madelyn of Velaris she has Black hair and stunning bright green eyes.

"OMG, I missed you girls so much!" Said Amber. "We missed you too even though it's only been a one week break it felt like forever"Said Liv. We talked about five minutes more then went into the school holding hands. We were greeted by a lot of kids since we were really popular.

I just now noticed we all matched because we were all wearing ripped jeans and a crop top with our hair down. "Hey girls did anyone else noticed how we matched?" I asked. They all looked at our outfit and Maddie said, "Oh yeah. We're all wearing ripped jeans and crop tops with our hair down. "Well whaddya know. It's true" Said Amber and we all laughed as we made our way to class.

                                                ***Time skip to lunch***

Me and the girls were walking to lunch but I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into something or should I say someone. I was about to fall when an arm cought me and pulled me up.

"Are you ok?" The boy I bumped into asked. "Y-Yeah I'm fine." I replied. I looked up and noticed that the boy had green eyes and dark brown hair pushed to the side. He looked very familiar. I just now noticed I was still in the boy's arms pulled away immediately. 

"S-sorry" I stuttered turning red from embarrassment. "It's fine I wasn't looking where I was going" he said "I wasn't looking where I was going either" I replied. He smiled at me and waved before walking off. His voice also sounded familiar but who is he?

"Oh Sofia" Amber said smirking

"What is it Amber?" I asked "You were blushing a lot around that boy you like him Don't you ?" She said.

"W-What no I don't! I don't even know him." I said "Oh really?" Asked Liv raising an eyebrow. "Really" I said back. "Ok whatever you say Sof" Pey said laughing. I rolled my eyes at them and continued walking while they followed me.

                            Time skip to recess...

Me and the girls just finished lunch and were going to recess when our ice-dancing teacher Mrs Harper stopped me. "Sofia can I talk to you for a moment?" She asked "Sure" I answered. I nodded at the girls and they went off to recess.

"What is it you wanted to talk to me about Mrs. Harper" I asked. "Well there's an ice dancing recital coming up and I was wondering if you would like to be paired up with the best ice-dancer from CSS to compete since you are our best ice-dancer at ERA?"She asked. I thought about it for a moment then looked at her and smiled and said, " Of course!" She looked relieved.

"Great! They'll be here tomorrow at lunch so come to the rink at that time ok?" I nodded and she walked away. I went to find the girls outside for recess.


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