Chapter 7

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After the boys left, Jazelle had the stupidest idea and wanted to throw a party. She went to Auctober and told her what she wanted to do Auctober of course called her crazy and reminded her that there parents could get home from the business trip any day and close since there mom had to come home because Jazelle got suspended. 

Finally after like 3 hours Jazelle had convinced Auctober to help her throw a party. Auctober told her that if she was going to throw a party they needed to get ready for it so they got everything ready and ran up to there rooms to get ready.

By the time that they were done doing there makeup and getting into there outfits it was 7 and people started arriving.

Jazelle's look:



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Auctober's look:



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Everyone arrived by now and Auctober and Jazelle were looking everywhere for there friend group when they finally find them

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Everyone arrived by now and Auctober and Jazelle were looking everywhere for there friend group when they finally find them. All of the sudden Auctober pushes Jazelle behind her and Jazelle tried to get from behind her to see what the matter was when she heard a voice.

"Damn Marc you weren't lying when you told me that they had a nice house." Jazelle then pushed from behind Auctober and then pushed someone to the ground, picked her up and was bringing her to the door while Marc was protesting saying how she didn't do anything wrong and to let her stay. Jazelle didn't listen and brought her outside and slammed the door. 

Everyone there was startled by the loud noise, but went back to normal after a minute. Jazelle however was furious because Danielle was there and especially because Marc brought her.

After an hour of Jazelle in her room everyone left, Auctober went up to Jazelle's room to ask her something. When she opened the door she saw Jazelle sleeping so she went back to her room. 

(Next week) 

Jazelle was finally unsuspended and could go back to school, she had gotten up early to get ready. Auctober woke up cause Jazelle was going through her closet, "What are you doing?" Auctober asked groggly "Just trying to find clothes" "At 4am your looking for clothes why?" "Because all mine suck and I wanna be ready to get to school early."

 "Just take this" Auctober hands her a white tube top with army fatigue sweatpants. "Thanks" "Your welcome now get out" Jazelle leaves and gets changed. A few hours later Jazelle wakes Auctober up to go get breakfast, Auctober wanted Pancheros so she got some and they went to Starbucks. 

They arrived at school Jazelle turned the music all the way up which earned everyones attention when she walked out of the car; Everyone turned their heads towards the loud noise coming from the car and saw Jazelle. Marc saw Jazelle and ran towards her and tried to pull her into a hug which she instantly rejected and pushed him away and continued into the school.

Auctober turned off the music and barely got out of the car before Marc started asking her if Jazelle was mad at him. "Marc, quit asking me. I'm not her I can't answer for her." She said, walking away to get to class. Auctober made it to her locker where Jazelle was standing on her phone.

"What did Marc want?" Jazelle questioned when Auctober closed her locker, not looking up from her phone. "To know why you were mad at him." Auctober answered. "Well that sucks for him. I'm gonna head to class bye." Jazelle said, waving behind her. It was lunch time Jazelle sat down next to Auctober and started up a conversation, that conversation soon ended when Marc and Danielle sat down across from them. 

Jazelle got up and left and Mathew sat down next to Auctober in Jazelle's previous spot. Lunch was over and soon was the day. Jazelle and Auctober went home, when they got home Jazelle asked Auctober if she wanted to go shopping, Auctober agreed and they went shopping.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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