The Twins who Lived

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It was a beautiful hot and summery day at 4 Privet Drive, but the Dursley's were unhappy as usual. Complaining of the hot weather and on the broken air conditioning system. Petunia Dursley was reading a magazine while  using her mini fan conditioner to try and get a bit of fresh air while Vernon Dursley was watching the television while eating a big fat ice cream. And then there was Dudley Dursley, sitting on his fat bottom only getting up to get some snacks or to eat while playing at his video games . While the whole family was relaxing the 2 Potter twins were cleaning the house, washing the dishes and making food for the Dursley's, because the next day was Dudley's birthday and everything had to be perfect.

After a few hours of cleaning the 2 twins went outside at the shade of the flower bushes of their aunt.
"Ugh I hate this so much it's so hot outside and we have to do all the work.... hey I got an idea wanna go prank "The Pig"?" said Amelia Potter the oldest twin. She was not as soft as Harry, oh no quite the opposite. When they were not treating them well she stood up for the both of them. Although she could not understand why the Dursley's hated them that much from the day they could talk. They had been told that their parents died in a car accident when they were little, and since the only relatives left where them, they had to be taken in. Amelia sometimes wondered what it would have been like to be in a nice family without being screamed at for not doing 10 chores, but she then would just get that out of her head and continue her day.

"The Pig" was another name for their cousin Dudley, because he was as fat as a pig. Always eating, getting what he wants, bullying other kids and never or almost never going outside. The Twins had occasionally pulled a little prank on Dudley, but it was really rare since, their aunt and uncle would then lock them in their rooms for about 2 weeks only bringing the, food twice or maybe three times a day.

"No Mimi, I know YOU will enjoy the cool air being locked up in the basement were it's cold. But me, I will be in that cupboard and I don't fancy spiders that much you know" said Harry in disgust. This was Harry Potter the youngest twin by 7 minutes. Mimi was a nickname for Amelia because she couldn't stand "Amelia" it was just too fancy for her personality. Harry was softer and calmer. He had to sleep in the cupboard under the stairs since Mimi was in the basement. He had to admit she deserved the basement. At the age of 6 she was tired of sharing a bed and she decided not to pull pranks or answer back in order to show that she was civilized. She was also very pretty with her bright red hair and every time they were going out on a special occasion the Dursley's would take her so everybody would compliment their beautiful family, while Harry was at Miss Figg's house. She felt sorry for him but even though Harry didn't like miss Figg's he would rather be at her house, than try to do chores in order to go outside with the Dursley's and Mimi.

"Yeah true, though I don't know why Petunia doesn't want you to come in my room."
"It's ok Mimi, I don't mind, you've worked hard this week helping Dudley with his homework even though you hate him, and then cutting the grass, spending 3 hours on Dudley's cake trying to get the perfect shade of blue." "Ugh stop it you are making it sound as if I'm doing everything and you are doing nothing. That's not true, you were cleaning Dudley's room and you finished cleaning it in 9 hours. That's an accomplishment" said Mimi chuckling. "Well thanks sis, I appreciate but I was so tired after that, I fell asleep at 6:00p.m."

"Harry, Amelia come back inside, you haven't finished peeling the potatoes and they are not going to pee by themselves" said their aunt angry because of the temperature. "Coming" said the twins and with that their break was done...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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