you sent me sexy pictures!

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Josie looks at the screen of her phone for a couple of seconds, hesitating on whether she should call her girlfriend or not. Calling Hope at 7:15AM on a Saturday sounds like a bad idea. The Mikaelson girl must have some much needed to catch up on. The thing that makes Josie hesitate so much is that it would be the first day since Hope moved that they wouldn't speak in the morning. For some reason, the thought of not talking to her girlfriend is making Josie feel very uneasy. Just as she's about to only send a text to Hope, the screen of the brunette's phone changes to a picture of Hope.

Incoming call from My hope «3

Josie's heart jumps inside her chest, and she quickly answers the call.


"Good morning, my love." Hope quietly says, her voice husky from sleep.

"Hope, you should be asleep." Josie tries to scold her girlfriend, but both of them know she doesn't mean it.

"No way. I had to talk to you before your first day of work."

Josie is always a little surprised by how easily Hope can make her fall a little deeper for her. Hope can do the simplest things, and Josie would fall for her.

"I love you so much, Hope Mikaelson." The brunette simply answers.

Hope chuckles. "I love you too, Josie Saltzman." There's silence for a second or two. "We should probably hang up now, I don't want to make you late for work on your first day."

"But we just started talking!"

"I know." Hope loudly sighs on the other end of the phone call, and there's a little moment of silence. "How about we have a movie date tonight?"

"A movie night without cuddles." Josie says, ending her sentence with a pout even though Hope can't see her.

"Josie... I know it sucks, but it's the best I can offer you right now."

"I know." Josie sighs. "I'll take what I can get. I'll see you tonight, babe."

"Have a good day at work, love."

"Have a good day too. I love you."

"I love you too."

Josie bites her bottom lip, says goodbye one more time and then quickly hangs up before she loses the courage to do it. She takes one last look at the time before standing up. The brunette goes to the mirror and checks herself out one last time to make sure she looks okay. When she's satisfied, Josie goes downstairs where her mother is waiting to take her to the shop.

"Are you ready, sweetie?" Caroline asks, looking even more nervous than Josie.

"I think I am, yeah."

During the ride to the shop, the only thing that can be heard in the car is the soft music playing through the speakers. Josie's so nervous that she doesn't talk at all, and Caroline respects her daughter's choice. The car soon stops in front of the store, and the mother and daughter exchange a look.

"Mom, take me home." Josie quickly blurts out. "I feel like I'm gonna be sick."

"Oh, Josie... You're just nervous, sweetheart." Caroline says as she gently places a loose strand of brunette hair behind Josie's ear. "You said it yourself, this is your dream job. You can do this."

Josie swallows with difficulty and nods. "I can do this."

Just like she did with the phone call, Josie gets out of the car before she can convince herself otherwise. She's almost at the door of the store when her mother calls her name.

let me tell you how I feel ('cause this time it's real)Where stories live. Discover now