louie and harrie going on a datie

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Word Count: 2964

Summary: *Dunkirk Harry, 2014 Louis*

One Direction singer Louis Tomlinson spotted on a date with Oscar-winning actor Harry Styles?!


"Niall, I cannot believe we let you drag us out to another bar after a show for the fifth week in a row," Liam groaned, rubbing his eyes with his palms, his elbows pressed hard against the high table top. It was their tenth show in a row, fifth week of their tour. They'd gone out to a local bar literally every single time, grew more and more irritable with less sleep, and somehow they would do it again.

The cheerful drunk lad smiled wide, raising his half-gone pint and patting Liam on the back harder than he meant to. "And we've enjoyed it every time," he happily added, making eye contact with Zayn from across the table.

"Looks like someone's enjoying tonight more than usual, though, eh?" Zayn murmured, subtly flicking his finger and gesturing with his head towards Louis, who was standing by the bar, eagerly chatting up the chap stood next to him.

"Ayyyyeee!!" Niall cheered, causing Liam to collapse his head into his arms, covering his ears. Zayn and Niall exchanged a few glances, casting awkward looks at Liam then each other. They made eye contact, curtly nodded, Zayn cleared his throat and started searching through apps on his phone as Niall walked away.

Louis was standing at the end of the bar, trying to flag down the bartender, when someone rudely shoved into him. He whipped around, his lips curled in disgust, already prepared to cuss out the asshole who shoved him, but his entire face relaxed the second he made eye contact with the man.

His gorgeous, short brown hair and luminescent green eyes were so mesmerizing that Louis had forgotten why he turned around. The man had one hand up and an award-winning, apologetic smile on his face.

"I'm so sorry." His voice was deep, buttery, velvety, smooth. "I thought I could fit through a gap," he explained, awkwardly chuckling, "clearly I could not."

Louis smiled, lightly shaking his head, his face softly molding in accepted confusion.

"I'm Louis," he greeted, holding his hand out in front of him for the taller lad to take. The man's smile widened as he accepted the handshake, neither of them removing the contact.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Louis," he responded, his voice sending shivers down Louis' spine, his smile making his hearts do flips. "M'name's Harry."

The two talked for a few minutes, Louis hardly paying attention to the beer in his hand, when someone tapped his shoulder. He ignored it at first, but the person was adamant about grabbing his attention. Harry's eyes lifted from Louis to the person, his smile dropping ever so slightly, causing Louis to groan and turn around.

He came face to face with Zayn, who was waving a pack of smokes in his face. "Bit of fresh air, Lou?" he asked, his gaze all-knowing.

Zayn usually could read Louis' mind, but he clearly wasn't getting any kind of signal from inside the noisy bar. He groaned, then turned around to look at Harry apologetically.

"I'm so sorry," he apologized. "Please don't leave?" A wondrous chuckle escaped the gorgeous man's lips as he glanced to the floor, then back up to meet a pair of hopeful blue eyes.

Without saying anything, one large hand encompassed Louis' smaller one and another grabbed a pen from someone else's checkbook. He flipped Louis' hand so his palm was facing his face, uncapped the pen with his teeth and started scribbling down some numbers.

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