Chapter 5: Rage

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A week has passed since the students were given 2 weeks to train. Y/n trained back at U.A once the damage was repaired. He was being watched by Aizawa, All Might and Midnight Everytime he train to he do anymore damage. Yukii also visited him every once in a while during training because she trains Jessica on the other gym. As usual, Y/n just ignores her and goes back to his training. He also practiced his new ability he called heat vision can control how strong it gets. Currently, Y/n is currently walking towards the cemetery with flowers in hand. He stopped on one of the gravestone and kneeled down putting the flowers.

Y/n: "Hey sis, sorry if this the only time I visited you. I'm out of the compound now and sorry If I wasn't there for you."

He then sat in Indian position as he stared at his sister picture on the gravestone.

Y/n: "Sorry I didn't do anything to save you. I was weak back then but now, I'm studying at U.A, just like you wanted."

He then started to tear up as he remembered all the memories he had with his sister.

Y/n: *crying* "I-I wish you are here to say 'congrats' or 'I'm proud of you'. If only I was strong enough to save you. I miss you sis. Except for Aunt Shuri and Mikan, you're the only family I have left."

Y/n sat there for half an hour and finally decided to go back home. As he was exiting the cemetery, he came face to face with his mother and step-sister.

Yukii: "Hi sweetie....."

He didn't say a word and just walked away making Yukii looked down in sadness.

Jessica: "You want me to talk to him?"

Yukii: "No it's okay, just let him be. He's probably busy for the sports festival."

She nodded and they went inside the cemetery. Y/n was walking back home while his hands was in his pocket. He then felt his phone buzzed and pulled it out. He saw Mikan texted him that she will be staying in his dorm for the rest of the week until the sports festival starts. He said it was okay and went to buy something to eat. He went to a nearby store and bought some snacks until 2 guys started to rob the cashier. One of then had a blade quirk and and the other has a quirk that makes his hand turn into a gun.

Thug 1: "Put the money inside the bag."

He throw the bag to the cashier and she started to load it with all the money. The other one just aimed his gun quirk towards the people inside the store including Y/n. Y/n being annoyed by this put all the snacks he got and walked towards the thug with the gun quirk.

Thug 2: "On your knees."

Y/n didn't listen as he walked up to the thug before grabbing his head and smashed in the ground rendering him unconscious.

Thug 1: "What the hell?!"

Y/n stared at the guy who was holding the cashier by the throat and activated his blade quirk. Seeing this made him remember the day his sister died as the guy had the same quirk as the villain that killed Iwasaki. This made him clenched his fist as he moved in great speed ramming the guy to a wall as the wall cracked. Y/n let him go as he dropped down knocked out. He then walked towards the girl and grabbed the snacks he got before putting it on the counter.

Y/n: "How much?"

???: "I-It's okay, it's o-on the house. T-Thanks for saving me."


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