Chapter 5: Kalluto and Milluki

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(Izuku POV)

Kikyo-san is my mom now. She doesn't look like mo- Inko.. but, she wants me and accepts me. 
"Izuku, can you call me mama?" she asked sweetly. "M-mama.." I say as I look at her. Dad laughed in the background I was confused but Killua-nii said that he's just happy. "but seriously, mama?" Asked Killua-nii. "what? you all called me mom or mother over the years passed.. I missed being called mama." she whined.. thought I can't tell whether she's angry or playful.

"Izuku!! Let us go to the mall and bring you to a new room!!" Mama said with a smile. She seems excited. "can I come?" Alluka asked. "sure.." Mama answered. "I'll send a driver. Kikyo, you can teach him more about the family. Killua, you come with me." Dad said as he left the room. 

"So.. what do you already know?" Mama asks. I gave her a smile before I start rambling about stuff grandad told me. This went on until we went our way out. It was very fast than I expected. I could've sworn last time I checked a window, the big gate was very far away.. do they have a speed quirk? 

Illumi opened the gate for us then we went to the car provided. By the time we're in the car. There she start to explain things.

(Third POV)

"Well, Izuku, as you know, we are a family of old assassins. Actually, we came from a different timeline." Kikyo said hoping the kid understands. "How old are you??" He asks then wide eyed suddenly. "Sorry.. I shouldn't ask a woman that!" Alluka chuckled. "Eh don't worry, we lived over centuries i guess.." she said in a bored tone. "Mama.. are tired of life?" 

"What a mature question Izuku. Well, I was.. at first, when killing was banned, all of us were bored. Time passed and we realized that it won't change back to the way it was so we decided to at least be successful in this modern time. It's more.. civilized and proper. I guess it's also a blessing since we didn't have to hide and be afraid if us being killed." Kikyo answered. "Yea! I got bored too!" Alluka says. 

"At home, I dress in a kimono or a gown. But outside, I gotta blend in. We blend in." She said. Izuku doesn't understand what she meant by that since, he doesn't see many mothers in the neighborhood wearing a dress like hers. But then his eyes landed on the magazine and saw the model did blend in with a rather similar dress in her surroundings. Then it came to him. 

"Mama, Alluka.. are we rich?" Alluka internally laughed as Izuku didn't notice the whole time. "oh, why do you say that?"

"The house is big.. we have butlers and some maids.. we have a big gate, we have drivers, and you wear dresses like the one in that." He pointed at the magazine he saw in the car. "Well, we are rich. We started a business and it's pretty big. Illumi is taking over it whenever your father says so." Kikyo stated. "Business?" Alluka nodded. 

"How about quirks?" 

"We don't have quirks Izuku." the youngest gasped. 'they also don't have quirks??' he thought. "But what about earlier? we were so fast!" He beamed happily. "Now that's an ability us assassins use." Kikyo winked and put a finger on her mouth. "keep it a secret okay?" Izuku nodded determined. 'SO PURE!' Alluka thought.

Kikyo and Alluka explained more until they arrived at the mall. Izuku thanked the driver before going in to the big mall. Surprise to him, this isn't usually the mall he saw back then. This was bigger. 

So the day went on with shopping. A few hero merch here and there and some some clothes and a little bit of accessories. Some small boy necklaces and some green, black, and blue hair pins. Kikyo and Alluka somehow convinced Izuku to grow his hair at least shoulder length. He liked the idea after seeing cool anime guys tie their hair up. He wanted to e like those cool guys and it reminded him of Illumi. Seems Alluka loved Anime over time. (note the sarcasm in each italicized words.)

Now they were just looking for a restaurant to eat in. How coincidences are AMAZING! Milluki Zoldyck is there. Kikyo then remembered that his son was on a eating spree since it's the end of 'every three weeks' cycle. Over the years, Milluki didn't just finish games.. time came where games didn't really do well.. he decided he'll not be fat anymore and work out. So the thin brother was now making his way to the three while holding fries and Milkshake. A butler following behind him holding what he brought. 

"Milluki! come join us." Alluka offered. 'she didn't even bother calling me nii.' Milluki thought as he rolled his eyes internally. 'huh? who's this?' he thought looking at Izuku. "Milluki, glad to see you here." "Glad to see you too mama."

"Couldn't you at least eat a proper meal?" She asked. "ah, then I'll order where ever you are eating." Kikyo nodded as he hold Izuku's hands whose arms hanging on holding hers. "uh.. Mama? Who's this?" Milluki pointed at the youngest. "Oh! this is Izuku." Kikyo smiled, "ISN'T HE CUTE!?!!" Alluka exclaimed. "you know, sometimes I wish you go back to the quiet Alluka." Milluki muttered. "Anyways.. Izuku? I'm Milluki. Milluki Zoldyck." 

"WAHH MAMA he is a brother too!?" Izuku asks. Kikyo nodded. "Wait- BROTHER!?!!"
"Don't be loud dear." Kikyo scolded. "but Alluka was just loud a while ago.." he muttered. Conversations were ongoing as they found a restaurant and order. 

"Anyways, Kalluto said he'd be here.." Kikyo murmured checking her phone hoping to see a message from Kalluto. No messages but when she looked up to see Alluka waving at her younger brother. "Kalluto! I thought you wouldn't come" Kikyo said. "Sorry I'm late.. There was a death game in the arcade.. not literal though." Kalluto said. "Wait.. somehow your names are the same!!" exclaimed the youngest at the table. "Mama, is Kalluto a sister?" 

"I'm a boy!" Kalluto exclaimed, unintentionally raising his voice. "oh.. well you look like a girl!" Izuku answered back. A Kalluto sighed. "Mama? did you adopt?" Kalluto asked. "nope." all three answered. Izuku was just devouring the served mac n' cheese. "Then? he's illegitimate?" 

"sorta.." Milluki answered. "Mama? what's 'illegimate'..?" Izuku asks still chewing on his food. "no need for you to know Izu." Kikyo said before glaring at Kalluto who shrugged. 

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