Chapter 3: Robert's Death(Frank's revenge)

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"Hey Dad, now I've grown I just want to build my own family just like you." said Frank talking to Robert. Robert replied:" Sometimes it's isn't easy to just build your own family because you need to protect them from intruders like Ben and Froylan trying to kill me and my family. Before you build your own family let go and I'll teach you grappling and boxing moves that Dean taught me." "That'll be great, it's that I'm tired of seeing you fighting this villains alone with Dean, now I want to be the third member to protect the barn."said Frank excitedly. "I'll be happy to have someone who have my back, now let get to training."replying Robert.

Robert trained Frank how to grapple and how to throw a punch. He even taught him that if there is a group of animals want to attack him, he needs to use his horns as a weapon. " Sorry to disturb y'all while training but breakfast is ready". said Lisa calling Robert and Frank.

After Robert and Frank finished eating breakfast, they took a walk and they saw a stand selling free refreshments. "Son, how would feel about having some refreshments?"asking Robert. "I love to." replying Frank. "Sir, can we please have two margaritas?" Robert asking waitor.

The bartender poisoned Robert margarita. The waitor is Ben. Robert drank his margarita until it was empty. "Aha, I'm back. " said Ben. "I thought you ran away from our area" replying Robert. "You'll die in 3 minutes because you drank that margarita that I poisoned so I can make your son a sacrifice"said Ben.

"Run Frank before they get you!"exclaiming Robert. Frank ran away and Robert was fighting with Ben. Ben tried his signature move by scratching his forehead but Ben missed. Robert gave Ben a knockout punch and he went to sleep. Robert ran for his life then the werewolves appeared. "Dad watch out! There are werewolves coming by!" Greg  the werewolf said:" Oh! Robert the saviour, long time no see. 3 years ago, you beat down my cousin and killed Froylan and his troops and you thought going to run away with it." said Greg

Frank said: "Hey Mr Werewolf, why don't you pick someone who's your own size

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Frank said: "Hey Mr Werewolf, why don't you pick someone who's your own size." Greg said:" Oh, I hope you not like your father. Boys get the boy and I'll handle Robert." The werewolves chased Frank and he memorized what Robert told him: When there's a group of animals, use your horns. Frank stopped and used his horns to toss the werewolves. Robert and Greg fought. Robert felt like he's getting weak because of the poison that were in the margarita.

Greg and Robert fought. Robert grappled Greg and he grappled Robert. "You aren't bad, aren't you?" Greg mocking Robert. Robert said:"Now ready to be sta...ow!ow!".Greg ran and jumped on Robert and opened Robert intestines. "Nooooo!"yelling Frank. Greg threw Robert down the cliff." Ha!Ha! Ha! I'm going to reign Heavy Grove since Robert set me in the trap of alligators the last time now I'm stronger than ever before."said Greg.

Frank cried:"Ow dad! Nooo!" Greg said:" Kid,Get out of  here before I throw you in the cliff!"
"What if I say I don't want to?"asking Frank.

"Boys,I think we got a problem here

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"Boys,I think we got a problem here. Robert stupid kid want to reign Heavy Grove now. Take him and do whatever you like to him!" commanding Greg.

The werewolves chased Frank. He went to the mountains and then he jumped in the lake. He swam and landed to the barn. "Mom, I have something to tell you, it's about...."said Frank. "Where your dad?" asking Lisa." Dad is gone."said Frank. "What do you mean your dad is gone? He went with you to the woods, so what happened to him?"asking Lisa. We went to the woods and then we saw a margarita stand. We went and asked them and we found out that Ben disguised himself as a bartender and poisoned dad's margarita and dad told me to run away and then dad knocked out Ben and then Ben's cousin, Greg the werewolf came with his troops after that he told them to get me and I had to defend myself then I saw Greg taking off Dad's intestines and threw him off the cliff. I'm so sorry mom." Lisa cried: "Oh Robert, how am I going to tell your sisters this story because for sure they have they own stress and they are now married." "I have to avenge my father's death", said Frank.

"Are you insane? I lost your father now you want me lose. What makes think you can come out alive fighting Greg? Greg survived in alligators when your father was to be made a sacrifice." Frank asked:"How do you know him?" "He was your father's best friend and Greg's father forced Greg to make your father a sacrifice. We'll need to go and make an annou........"said Lisa and down she falls. "Mom! Wake up! Help anyone! Help!".

Dean came and helped out. Dean asked:"Why is she down and where's your father?" "I'll announce it when we finish laying her in the grass"said Frank.

Announcement is about to be delivered. Frank said:"Dean, I know Dad was your best friend in the barn......he's dead. "What? Who did this to Robert?" asking Dean. Frank said:"It's Greg the werewolf." "How come......I thought Greg was eating up by alligators?"asked Dean. Frank said:"He was helped out my Ben and his troops after that he ate the alligator and that how he became strong."

Dean made an announcement:" Attention everyone, the main family member in the goat family, Robert is dead and was killed by a werewolf, Greg." "Oh my! Our hero has died ."exclaiming animals.

"Cousin Ben, Robert has defeated you twice now and you still haven't given me what I wanted for about 4 years. So you still haven't learnt anything to what I taught you"said Ben. Ben replied:"Respected one, I know in our family we need to make sacrifices for goat but he was too strong and I couldn't fight him....he knew how to....." "Shut up! That not what I need to hear"replying Greg. Ben said:"My king there is someone who can be made into a sacrifice." "Who is it? Don't tell me it's that kid. You were supposed to take out his intestines and throw him in the lake or off the cliff or burn him but you were there knocked out by some reckless goat."replying Greg. Ben said:"First of all, I saved you with my troops when Robert put you to the alligators and now since you're the king you think you better now. You know what, let me leave you and do it on your own." " So all your dirty jobs that I helped you with, like making Robert into a sacrifice. You could've made a sacrifice by me and you busy telling me that you're leaving."replying Ben.

Ben said:"Since when you started treating me like this?When I was on that throne, I treated you like one of my brother. Family never abandons another and you know you can't turn me into a sacrifice." "Boys, after making Robert into a sacrifice, how would you feel if I sacrifice with the greatest gift of all times? asking Greg. The werewolves replied:"It would be the extravaganza."

"Boys turn him into one." replying Greg. " You know that I can't be made into a sacrifice because i'm a Canidae not a goat."replying Ben. " The Canidae  rule says: if a Canidae is not sacrificing with a goat for 2 years, the Canidae needs to be turned into one.  So boys get him". commanding Greg.

The werewolves opened Ben's intestines and burnt him. "Ha!Ha! 'you know you can't sacrifice a Canidae' rubbish. Now boys, I became a king because I turned Jerry the antelope who was the king of Grizzlyville, now boys are you ready to turn Robert's family into a sacrifice so that the werewolf kingdom dominate?" asking Greg. "Yeah we're ready!"werewolves cheering.

Frank has been training for a week to avenge himself on his father's death. Dean panting:" Hey Frank let get you ready for your match with Greg and we'll prepare our match with Bill and the other crew. I heard them saying that the goat family will be turned into a sacrifice. "Here these rotten werewolves coming!"shouting Bill.
"This is between me and Frank. Come to papa." said Greg. Frank ran to Greg and to punch him but Greg will scratch him with claws. "Your life mine, kid." Greg mocking Frank. "Frankie! Frankie! Frankie!" barn animals chanting. Frank got himself up. He speared Greg using his horns to the shrubs. Greg bit Frank on his tummy and Frank kicked Greg on face and he flew away. The animals came to watch the fight. Greg bit Frank on his ear and tossed him. Frank was bleeding. Greg ran to Frank to take out his intestines but Frank stabbed Greg on his tummy and kept on stabbing him until his intestines were shown out. Greg's crew came when he was week. They said:" The Canidae rule says if a Canidae is not handing out sacrifices, the Canidae must be made into a sacrifice." They took out Greg's intestines and they threw him out of the cliff. They ran away and they went to their camp. They lived safer than before without Robert."You did well there kid. You fight like your father."said Dean

Lisa came to Frank and said:"Frank promise that now on you'll responsibly to the woods." "Ok mom, now Heavy groove is safer than ever." replying Frank

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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