one shot

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Beep Beep Beep

The sound of the scanner scanning the customers items was soothing to you, yet so utterly annoying.

“Alrighty sweetheart, that’ll be 27.56.”, you said with a smile, the girl across the counter reached into her backpack and handed you 30 dollars.

She grabbed her things as you counted her change. As she started to leave she said “Keep the change, Cutie.” with a wink and walked out. Your cheeks burned seeing as she was the first person your age that flirted with you but it was a common occurrence seeing as she went to the store all the time.
“Yo! (Y/N), I’ma head out, are you sure you’ll be okay?”, “I already told you I’m fine, my house is literally not even a block away.”, “Well sorry for worrying for your clumsy ass.” “Shut up
and go home, man!” The boy surrendered and left after waving at you.

“Fuckin dumbass.” You
muttered with a chuckle, your co-worker was always worried about something. “Welp, I guess I better get started,” you whisper as you go to the back and grab the mop, “This store isn’t going to clean itself.”

It didn’t take you very long to finish cleaning, the store wasn’t all that big afterall.

“Well, I’m pretty sure that’s it.” You say as you go to the break room and grab your backpack. You made sure to turn all the lights off and lock the doors as you make your way to the front, “So long, I’ll see you in a couple days, Store!” You yelled goofily as you walk away from the now locked front door.
The walk to your house wasn’t too eventful, not really a surprise though.

You unlocked the front door and walked into your small empty apartment, you set your backpack at the front door.

You lived alone which was uncommon for a 16 year old, unfortunately for you, your parents were assholes so you got emancipated and now you live alone. You felt something fluffy rub itself on your leg.

Well not entirely alone.

“Hi there Nug.” You giggled as your cat scaled you and sat on your shoulder. “Meow” the
cat seemed to respond, “Yeah, i’m hungry too.”. You gave the cat a good chin scratch before
walking into your kitchen.

"Now lets see, how does,” You pulled out a box of pasta out, “Macaroni sound?”. The cat simply stared at you, “And chicken for you obviously.” You say with an eye roll, the cat seemed to understand and meowed.

As you cooked your dearly beloved cat decided to ‘help’, the chicken ended up falling on her. Other than that dinner went smoothly.

“Don’t look at me like that, Nugs.” You say as you watch the cat stare you down, she was
still damp from her shower.

“Darling, you smelled like raw chicken.”, the cat growled in response and walked away.

“Stupid cat.”
“Sorry!”, You laughed, that cat was something else.
“Are you not going to sleep with me, Nuggie?” the cat meowed, you were arguing with the
damn cat, “Fine but if I wake up to you in my bed I win and you don’t get any catnip for a week.”.

Almost immediately the cat jumped onto the bed and curled up on the pillow next to you, “You fuckin addict.”
“Alright, alright, good night, Nug.” the cat purred in response.
The next day was more or less the same except you had to go to school. The day was nice so you decided to go to the park after school.

You sat at a bench and started on some homework, you had an earbud in so you could concentrate on your homework. After about an hour you noticed someone sat next to you.

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