Chapter Two

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So maybe Justin doesn't want to talk to me. I mean, it's been three days since I met him and gave him my number. Who knows, maybe it's better off this way. 

Stay for tonight, if you want to, I can show you, what my dreams are made of, my phone rang out. 

Rolling onto my side, I took my iPhone 4 off of my nightstand and looked at the screen, seeing a number that I didn't recognize. I hesitantly tapped the 'Accept' button and spoke into the phone. 

"Hello?" I asked, waiting for the person to reply. My heart was racing. I don't know why, but whenever I answered my phone to a number I didn't know, I tend to get nervous. 

"Hey, Erika? It's Justin," he said. I sighed in relief, happy that it was someone I knew. "Happy belated Christmas, beautiful!" 

"Happy belated Christmas to you, too," I chuckled. "So what're you up to?" 

"Not much, I was just gonna ask you if you were up for the stroll in the park I offered you a few days ago."

I thought about it for a minute. "Sure, why not? Wanna meet at Starbucks, say, around 10:30?" 

"Sure. See you soon, beautiful." He hung up the phone, leaving me flustered at his compliments.

I sat up in my blue Snoopy pajama shorts and my I Heart New York tee shirt and stretched out my back. As I got up from my bed, I looked at my radio alarm clock and saw that it was 10 AM. I walked over to my closet and stared at my wardrobe, taking out my black tights, light brown boots, and my beige handknitted beanie along with my baby blue wool over top. Before rushing into the bathroom to do my morning routine, I took my white tank top and draped it over my arm along with the rest of the clothes I picked out. 

I rushed into the bathroom with all the clothes. I quickly brushed my teeth and brushed my naturally wavy hair. Honestly, I find make-up overrated, so I don't use any. Plus, I believe in natural beauty instead of just plastering glitter and artificial colors on my face. I put on the clothes, making sure it was neat and pretty, and walked out of my bathroom. I grabbed my tan shoulder bag, making sure I had my phone and keys, and headed out my apartment building. 

As I got outside onto the sidewalks that were covered in snow, I started heading to Starbucks. Since I lived in New York, everything was relatively close. When I was a block down from the cafe, I took out my phone and saw I had ten minutes to spare. Right when I was about to open the door, I heard someone call my name, soon before I was hugged from behind.

"Hey there, beautiful," a familiar voice mumbled in my ear. I spun around, seeing it was only Justin. 

"Hey there," I tiptoed to hug him properly. "Ready to go?" 

"Well, do you want a latte, or something? I have discount," he bit his lip. 

"No, you don't have to," I giggled. I'm going to be completely honest; I get turned on when guys bite their lip. 

"C'mon, my treat," he grabbed my hand and pushed open the door, holding it open for me. 

"You seriously don't have to," I said. 

"I'm gonna buy it for you. It's alright," he said, waiting in line. 


"Sh, it's alright."


"Sh." He put one finger on my lips, shutting me up. "Good." 

"Fine." I crossed my arms, standing next to him in line. When the person in front of us finished ordering, he walked up to the cashier and ordered one gingerbread latter and one creme brule latte. "So, Justin, how old are you?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"Seventeen, what about you?" he asked, staring at me with his hazel eyes. 

"I'm eighteen," I smiled. 

"I-I'm turning eighteen in, like, eight months," he stuttered nervously. 

"And I'm turning nineteen in four," I said. He looked looked away, a bit disappointed. "But age doesn't really matter," I smiled, watching the bartista making our lattes. 

"Really?" he asked, sounding hopeful. I nodded, looking into his hazel eyes. 

"Justin," the bartista called out. "Gingerbread and creme brule."

"Thanks, m'man," he said, taking the lattes and giving me one. 

"Which one is this?" I asked, grasping the warm beverage. 

"Creme brule," he said. He grabbed onto my hand, "Now c'mon. Let's go to the park!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2012 ⏰

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