Chapter 21: (Not Edited)

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Jack walked into a small room, watching from a first person view as though it was real. But yet he somehow knew it was still a dream. The room was tiny, but was filled with baby related supplies like toys and clothes. There was a crib in the middle of the room and a diaper changing station off to the side.
A small cry from a baby came from the crib and Jack sighed, going over and looking into the crib, seeing a little baby swaddled up in a pink blanket. He reached down and picked up the baby, gently rocking it in his arms. "It's okay honey. You'll meet your Daddy one day." Jack whispered as he rocked the baby, trying to get it to calm down and go back to sleep. "But for now it's too dangerous for people to know that either of us exist..."

Jack woke up with a slight start, making Dark frown. Dark had woken up about an hour before Jack, holding the younger male close to his chest and rubbing his back soothingly. He could tell that Jack had been having some kind of unpleasant dream and had been trying his best to calm him down without waking him up because he knew that Jack needed rest after what had happened.
Jack sniffled as he looked around the room, seeming to be momentarily confused as to where he was.

"Hey... you okay?" Dark asked, a little worried as he gently cupped Jack's cheeks and turned his head so he was looking at Dark. Seeing how bloodshot and puffy Jack's eyes were from crying just made Dark's frown grow. He rubbed Jack's cheeks with his thumbs, "Were you having a bad dream? You seemed upset, what happened?"
Jack still seemed confused, the dream had felt so real... he thought it was real. He sat up slightly, moving away from Dark's hands and biting his bottom lip, trying to pull his thoughts together. "It... it was weird. I... I think it was about... us." He shook his head again, finding it hard to explain what happened in his dream even though he had seen it happen so clearly. "I know it was me... but then there was a... a baby... but I couldn't tell what it looked like, like the image was fuzzy but I could tell it was a baby." He hesitated as Dark's eyes widened with shock, biting his bottom lip a little harder before continuing. "I picked up the baby... and told it that it couldn't see its dad because we had to stay hidden..."

Dark didn't speak for a moment before suddenly asking, "You don't think... that this might be a sign that you're... that you're pregnant..?" His voice was low, by the look in his eyes Jack could tell that he was not only worried but scared. Of course Dark wanted to have kids at some point, he himself grew up in a very large family and would love to have a large family as well. But right now couldn't be a worse time to start a family.
"P-Pregnant...?" The thought was scary, family was always something Jack never really had, and the thought have having a child gave him the fear that he'd not be a good enough parent due to not having a stable parent figure ever in his life. Sure he had his mother but she was often times never there while he was growing up. Plus the chances of him being a Carrier were so low, Carriers were almost non-existent anymore that he had never even thought that he might be one.
Dark swallowed thickly, Jack falling silent and the look in his eyes that told Dark he was getting lost in thought made him start to worry more. "I mean... it's unlikely r-right?" Dark whispered before grabbing his phone and quickly texting Baker to bring them a few of the special Carrier Pregnancy Tests. "We have to check."

About an hour later Jack and Dark still hadn't moved from where they sat, Jack so lost in his own head that he didn't even hear Baker knock on the door or notice him enter the room with a bag of tests. Baker set the bag down on the bed and left the room without saying a word. He could feel the tension coming from the two from down the hall, he didn't want to bother them at all.

As Dark got up to get the tests out of the bag Jack finally spoke again. "C-Carriers aren't common there's like... no way that I'm one... it was just... j-just a bad dream.." he mumbled out.
"Just... go check.. please.." Dark whispered as he handed the tests to Jack before sitting down on the edge of the bed, his leg bouncing rapidly. It was clear that he was being overwelled by stress.

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