Chapter 1

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"No stop, please!"  She shouted.
With a growl he flung her away.
Laying on the rubble covered ground she saw greyback getting blasted off the only person she could bring herself to truly love by someone whom she couldn't see. She muttered a meek "help, please.." as the world faded away into darkness.

She awoke with a gasp and clawing around for something secure to hold onto to a sure it wasn't real.

It had been over 4 months since she saw lavender die during the battle of hogwarts. Every time she thought of it she remembered that lavender was just another war casualty. With nobody to remember her with that actually gave two shits Priscilla had been alone in her mourning.

She decided today would be different. She wouldn't lay around in her own self pity, she wouldn't cry herself to sleep. She would go out and do something with her life, it's what lavender would have wanted.

She headed over to her fireplace with a jar of floo powder in hand. She was dressed in a hoodie over a plain t-shirt with jeans, muggle clothing.

As she stepped into the fireplace there was a knock on the door. As she lived not to far away from a muggle village she expected it to be advertisement or some Girl Scouts.

"Not interested!" Prissy shouted rolling her eyes.

With a sigh she took a handful of floo powder and shouted "diagonally!"

Sorry this is a bit short but I hope you all like it.

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