Enough is enough

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"enough is enough. Fuck this shit I'm out" jungkook said angrily throwing a big pile of papers on yoongi's table. "what's now jungkook" yoongi sighed. jungkook sat on chair and looked in pain like a lady giving birth to a child. "I stress about stress before their is stress to even stress about". Yoongi looked looked at him with blank expression before going back to do whatever the fuck he was doing

"yoongi come on!!! You know what I mean right? This is not fair. Why it's only lucifer? Why he is the only one who gets to go on vacation and not us. We deserve it as well" "jungkook get the fuck out of my office"

"you are such a pussy and ugly". "Okay get lost and let me be ugly in peace" so there you go again another fucking ass drama. Yoongi lives in hell with his other six demon friends and their master lucifer. Lucifer god knows why but love going to earth on vacation every year for two motherfucking months leaving all the workload on them.

jimin was demon of pride
taehyung was demon of envy
Jin was demon of gluttony namjoon was demon of lust
yoongi was demon of sloth
hoeseok was demon of greed jungkook was demon of wrath (anger)

yoongi was busy with his thoughts when his brain cell starts ringing . Yoongi was demon and of course they don't have phone in hell, when they all need to communicate with each other they usually do telepathy.

"who the fuck wants to die."

"it's me hoeseok, come to tunnel fast"

later at tunnel

"what should we do." -Jin

" I think we should decide our strategy first"- namjoon.

"should we take our weapons" - Jimin

"no no , if we do so he will think we came to pick a fight" - namjoon

" but that's the point we are here to fight right." - taehyung

"no tae voilence is never a answer" - hoeseok

"yes it's a solution" - yoongi

"fuck no yoongi" - hoeseok

" we can do one thing I guess"- jungkook

"no violence"- hoeseok

" ya I know I know you Gandhi. I have plane better than that!"- jungkook

"come closer"- jungkook


"hell no"- yoongi

"for fuck sake Hyung lemme complete"-jungkook


"that's a great idea, count me in"-jimin

"I'm in, as long as there is no voilence"- hoeseok

"who on earth made him demon"- tae

"what did you say?"- hoeseok

"n-nothing, it's a yes form me jungkook"- tae

"okay we are ready"-Jin and namjoon

"I'm still not sure guys this idea is very childish" -yoongi

"so you have any other plan"- jungkook

"fuck fine. Count me in as well"-yoongi

"so you all ready for tomorrow."- tae.

"hell yeah"- everyone except yoongi.


to be honest I don't know what I am writing but I just started this story .I feel like it's going to be a lot more interesting in future and yeah I'm going to update this story I think twice a week so if you are liking it or interested in it .I would appreciate if you guys would like it and comment this would motivate me a lot thank you.

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