what to do when sad

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Here's a list of things that can help lighten your mood :)

1. Open your window. Get some air
2. Go on walk. Moving and changing your surrounding helps.
3. Dance. Work of some of that (mental) stress.
4. Listen to some (happy) music
5. Drink water. Dehydration influences your mood.
6. If you've been laying in bed get up. Get that blood circulation going.
7. Take a nap. Sleep deprivation is never good.
8. Cuddle someone or something. A pet, family member, friends, even a pillow or stuffed animal will do.
9. Eat something. Don't starve yourself you're deserving of food.
9.2. Get a snack. Chocolate, Crisps, fruit, whatever.
10. Paint something. Work through your emotions in a creative way.
11. Read something. Get your mind off of things.
11.2. Write something. Look 10^
12. Watch a movie. Look 11^
13. Talk to someone. Reach out. You're not alone. Speak to your family, a friend, a therapist or reach out to people on social media, you can even reach out to me.
14. Take a shower. You'll feel a lot fresher afterwards.
15. Clean your room. It might help declutter your mind as well.
16. Put on comfy clothes. Your mind is uncomfy enough make sure your surroundings are as comfortable as possible.
17. Go buy something nice for you. Buy a flower, a clothing piece whatever or pick a flower if you don't have spare money on hand right now.
18. Try to identify the sources of your sadness (maybe go to an expert aka therapist etc. Getting help from others is completely okay, you do not need to fight alone) and look for solutions on how you can eliminate that source of sadness. Distraction can help temporarily but on the long run you will need to face your sadness/problems.
19. Just keep going. Don't give up. Tomorrow is a new day!!
20. Get some sun. Vitamin D is good for you.
21. Practice one of your hobbies or skills or even learn a new skill.
22. Put on some makeup or dress up.
23. Cry. Crying isn't a sign of weakness and sometimes it helps.
24. Help others. Make care packages, donate old things, etc.
25. Hide 1 cent pieces out on the street. It gets you going, it brings joy to others, etc.
26. Beat up a pillow or workout.
27. Scream. Go somewhere you can scream.

Remember we're all sad from time to time and have a shitty day, are in a bad mood and just don't know what to do. But it'll pass! S'okay!

 But it'll pass! S'okay!

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