The Moment I Realized I Love You

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Bree's POV

I couldn't stand it anymore, so I stood up...

Bree: Do you have a problem or something?!

I was hoping they would turn around and enjoy their lunch, but instead a girl stood up...

The girl:Yeah,We don't have a problem, but we do have this...

She said as she walked up to me, and showed me her phone...I glared at it, like he would ever do that...

Bree:Look, I get that you have a problem with me dating Chase, but I, for one, know that Chase would never stoop that low...I'm pretty sure this was photoshopped...

The girl:Oh, Bree...I'm guessing you're not really good at photography...

I wrinkled my eyes, trying to understand what's happening...where is this going?

Suddenly, I heard footsteps, followed by a voice, the voice of the man I know and love...

Chase:Hey! What's going on?

He said as he went to my side and placed his hands around my waist...

The girl:Oh, good...your man is know, the guy who is a player...even though he has, well, you....

Okay, this girl have just gotten the first step to my anger ville...

Chase:What's going on?


I said before grabbing hold of the girl's phone...

Bree:Tell me this is photoshopped...

He took a look at the image on the phone...I didn't realized it shocked him, until, his eyes were wide and he was looking at me like he's afraid...

In just one minute, my heart just broke into a million pieces...

Bree:Chase, is this true or not?

I said in a serious tone...before I begin to tear up, I better know the truth...

Chase:Bree, I...

Bree:Chase! You kissed a girl when you're dating me! Are you two-timing me?!

Chase:Bree, I can explain-

I cut him off...

Bree:No! Don't say anything! And to think I thought you would do anything to have me!

I ran off, not looking back...I went up the stairs until I reach highest level...the school garden and balcony...

I went and sat on the balcony fence...I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a teardrop on my hand...

Bree:Oh, Bree, why are you so stupid? You could've just ignored him and walked away, but you just had to make a deal with him! I feel like a fool!

I said to myself...I cried so hard, then suddenly heavy rain came pouring down...

I continued to stay on the spot and cry anyways...

(Scene change to Chase's scene)

Chase's POV

After Bree left, I had a really weird feeling...I've never experienced this before...but it I snapped...

Chase:Why would you do that?! Our relationship was over, Gemma! I'm dating her now! But you came in and showed a pic of our kiss when it happened a long time ago!

Gemma:I did that so we can be together...Aren't you happy?

Chase: Do I look happy?! look kinda angry...

Chase:Yeah, because of you!

I ran and left to find Bree...

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