☁️ - Chapter A

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6:00 PM

"So Mirai Y/N, what is your quirk?" Chisaki told you. You were hesitant to answer, especially since Chisaki is pissed off because Eri has been taken.
"I don't want to tell you."
Chisaki nodded at Shin, and he used his quirk.

You took a deep breath. . .
"I'm quirkless.." Chisaki's eyes widened as you said that. All he did was stare at you. "W-What? Is something wrong with that." You tried to keep up the tough act.
"Not at all. Its really nice to finally meet someone who hasn't been infected with the Hero Syndrome." Chisaki smiled and though you couldn't see it through the mask, his eyes gave it away. You looked away because you had hoped he would hate you for it. "Well then Mirai Y/N, welcome to the hassakai." Chisaki said.
"I don't want to be part of your group!"
"You don't have a choice." and with that, Kuruno led you to your room.


7:00 AM

All you did the entire day was cry. You couldn't even sleep. Soon, you heard someone come in your room. You removed the blanket from your face a little to peek at who was there. It was Chisaki. You put the blanket over your face again.
"Go away." Chisaki sat on the bed.
"Look, Y/N." he said as he pulled the blanket away from your face.

"You work for me now. Eri has been taken, and without her, my plan can't succeed. I need more members for the hassakai. most of them are taken - imprisoned. I need to get Eri back to me." "I still-" "And do you know why I need her? I need her to make the Yakuza rule the underworld again and.. I will repair The Boss after my plan succeeds. But unfortunately, the heroes took him. I need to find him." Chisaki showed sincerity at the last bit. and from what you heard before, The Boss was a good guy and did not deserve going into a comatose. and you, being quirkless, despise quirks.

You got up and sat on the bed.
"I want to help you..but how?" Chisaki smiled at your response.
"Do you excel at anything that could do us good?"

"Well.. Before getting taken in, I was working on becoming a doctor. My mom has always wanted me to become one. I don't know if you have someone with a healing quirk, but if so, then i'm useless." You replied.
"Great then! We don't have someone that can heal us, so you'd be much help." he said and then got up.

"Oh and.. I suppose when I said this, it wasn't proper."
"Welcome to the Hassakai, Mirai Y/N." Kai gently patted you on the head.
"Thank you."

"And you should probably sleep. You look like an owl." Kai said as he left the room. You smiled and got back into bed.


8:00 PM

You woke up, you yawned and realized what time it was . You always took naps in the afternoon and set an alarm at 3:30 PM, but you had forgotten that they have taken your phone, and you doubt they'll give it back. Does he even trust you yet? You heard someone knock at the door, so you got up and opened it.

"Yes, Chrono?" Hari was standing at the door and was holding a box.

"Good evening Y/N. I hope you slept well. I'm here to give you something, and please just call me Hari." He said as he handed you the box and you opened it.

"boss needs you to wear this. it's a mask, so please put it on like the rest of us."
"Alright then, thank you."
"No problem, and don't forget to have your dinner." and with that, Hari left.

You got the mask out and it was one that only covered your mouth and nose, so it was like Kai's. It was a little weird that it wasn't all over your face like the rest of the members, but you didn't really question it. You put it on and went to have dinner, and since everyone had masks, you all didn't have dinner together. Instead everyone had theirs in their respective rooms.

After dinner, you decided to take a shower and then go to sleep since it was getting late.


10:00 PM

You finished taking a shower, put on the clothes that Hari got you, dried your hair and now combing it. You were about to go to sleep but heard a knock on the door.

"It's me." You heard Chisaki's voice.
"Come in." Chisaki opened the door and came in. "Do you need anything?" You asked
"Yes, I have a question.
How well do you like the mask?"

"I don't know what kind of question this is but yes, I really like it actually. it makes my voice sound muffled yet seggsy. I may look bad in it, but I don't mind and it doesn't bother me, considering the fact that its winter and it keeps me warm." You said in response.

"I'm really glad you like it.. and in my opinion.."
"You look gorgeous in it. Don't worry."
"Thank you." You smiled.

"But you also look gorgeous without it."
"H-huh?-" Your face turned red as Kai said that. Before you can tell him anything, he had left the room, a small smile on his face from behind the mask.


910 words.

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