Chapter 1 - Serena

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Happy Reading, dear wattpader. ღ  ღ


"Anger is a very strong and important emotion that brought several bodily changes in humans. But here we will focus what triggers the anger..." Miss Simpsons, my psychology teacher is addressing the class.

It's been half an hour since she is breathlessly speaking so I've got no option, but to start sketching in my notebook. I'm sitting exactly three desks away from her, head down, pretending to make notes. My medium length classic beach curls is falling on both side of my face, almost touching my notebook. It's not like I'm good at sketching. I do it when I feel bored or avoid dozing off. Right now, it's the latter.

"There are normal reactions and abnormal reactions. A person needs to find out whether his anger is normal or extreme. An anger issue is a very common mental illness humans face..."

I sigh while drawing Winnie the Pooh. Psychology is my elective course. I chose it by myself so I can't even complain about it, but sometimes it becomes really dry and mundane. Maybe because it's Miss Simpsons's course. She is the type of teacher who doesn't care whether students in the class are listening to her or not or her teaching techniques are very obsolete. She will continue her lectures till the end of time.

"When something against your mindset, your thoughts, your standards happen, you feel anger rising in you. Heartbeat goes faster, blood pressure rises..."

My phone vibrates in my back pocket. Looking up at her, I put my pen down and move the tendrils from my face. While keeping check on her that she can't catch me breaking the rule, I slowly pull my phone out. "This emotion forces you to act. It is good if it is making you do good things for instance solving problems, countering evil, you know..."

Phones are strictly not allowed during class. If she would find out, she would immediately confiscate my phone and take me straight to headmistress office. I don't know who else dared to use phone during her lecture. I move my eyes around while typing my password. Almost all of the students are looking at front, seeming to listen to the teacher very attentively. But then, a Blondie with the coin-shaped locket chain passes me a smirk, followed by a wink. My friend, Ariana.

I return her a brief smirk, move my phone beneath my desk and open her text.

Mom won't be home tomorrow in the evening. We can party at my place.

My eyes gleam in excitement. That's what I call refreshment. We gossip nonstop, watch movies and eat pizzas in her Mom's absence. Sometimes I crash on her bed as well because I get too full and lazy after excessive eating. Excitement stirs in me as I already start planning in my head which rom-com I would watch this time with those warm, fresh popcorn. I can also play some board games or listen to music with highest volume possible like I'm trying to crack the ground.


I type a reply to her. With your high school best friend you can do stupid, senseless stuff and still feel proud of it because she's the same. Ariana and I've been friends for most of our senior years and now since the beginning of the Final Year we are just inseparable. We eat together, share our homework and even prepare for exams together.  In my high school friend list, she ranks on the top. 

I've made a fake Facebook and added almost all of our school. Now we can easily stalk them. ;) I'll show you tomorrow.

I almost chuckle. That's also one of our secret activities; stalking, you know, boys, cheer leaders and updates about recent relationships and breakups. It's like keeping an eye on what's going around us.

"Miss Nichols." A loud, sudden voice makes me jump. Reflexively, I put my phone back in my pocket and look up.

Miss Simpsons is frowning at me. Sweats begin to appear on my forehead. I'm busted, for sure. Because of all the excitement, her voice was like gone mute for me. Now all of a sudden, I don't know why she has called my name so loudly. Ariana, you're dead!

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