Chapter 3 - Classroom

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You stood in front of the class and introduced yourself. You inhaled silently and your eyes traveled across the room down to your hands. You slowly lift your head again and cleared your throat.

"My name is (Last Name) (Your Name). I am a transferee from (Old School Name). I am now enrolled here at Mori-Mori High. Please treat me well!" You bowed and beads of sweat started to roll down your face. Right when you raised your head, you saw all of your classmate's eyes were focused on you.

Nothing wrong with it, but that one particular stare made you uncomfortable.

You sneaked a glance at the class and found a pair of eyes that belonged to the boy that you're pretty sure you've seen before. Those eyes were the kind of eyes that are  hinted with malice.

'The same look from last week..'

"Alright then, Mr. L/N. Please sit beside..." You heard the teacher called your name along with the name of another student. Your heart was beating so fast that you can't hear the rest of the sentences your teacher was saying.

You swallowed the lump in your throat and carefully tread towards the empty seat on the back near the sliding door. You dare not let your eyes wander around the classroom, lest you might make eye contact with that guy again.

"Mr. (Last name)? Your seat is the one near the window beside Mr. Sasagawa Tasuki."

You mentally facepalm that you embarrassed yourself on the first day. Your palm began to sweat as well that you immediately wiped it off with your handkerchief.

'Calm down (Your Name).. Calm down..'

You quickly made your way to your right assigned seat, this time tripping in the process.

You heard giggles from your classmates as you stood up and rubbed the back of your head in shame.

'(Your name)! Really?'

"Mr. (Last name), if you're not feeling well I can let one of your classmates accompany you to the infirmary-." Your immediate response cut him off

"Thank you for your concern sir but that won't be necessary!" You wouldn't want to embarrass yourself even more and denied to go to the infirmary ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.

"Alright then if you say so. Everyone, please open your textbook to page.."

~Time skip to Lunch~

After the class has ended, you lost all of your energy and appetite to eat your bento.

As if tripping wasn't embarrassing enough, your reputation as a student could go from normal to a laughing stock in just a day.

'I can't believe it. On the first day. Really...? I even rehearsed my introduction in front of the bathroom mirror ten times. Why did I have to trip?'

Your thoughts made you fail to notice three of your classmates in front of you.

"Hey...You're (Last Name) (Your Name) right?"

Yarichin B♧tch Club x male reader Where stories live. Discover now