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Seoul, Korea
Jin's Quarters

Bringing his fingers to the keyboard, he typed the words 'Kim Taehyung.' Going through the files from before, he realized they had barely anything on him. Only that he was an assassin, childhood friend of Jeongguk and Jimin, and that he was 24 years old.

"Missing kid from Geochang?" Jin read the titled article, "This article is from six years ago?!"

He clicked on it, the image showing a brown haired male who looked about 18 or 19 years old. He resembled Taehyung's features and Jin scrolled down reading the article.

"Someone tried to kidnap him and he spent time with the Parks cause of his family passing away? But... why does it say here that he was never seen again when he left the Parks?" Jin asked him, thinking inside his head.

He scrolled more down and saw a name that he recognized, "Bae..kyun?"

He felt a warm hand creep on his shoulder causing him to jump and turn around. "Calm down, Babe. It's just me." Namjoon put his hands on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"What's this?" The gang leader looked and Jin immediately shot up and closed it. Stuffing the laptop back into the bag and taking out his first aid kid. "Y-you're injured. Let me help."

"You mind telling me what exactly you were doing?" Namjoon asks his boyfriend who avoided his gaze and bandaged his thigh. "You seem very secretive these days, Jinnie."

"It isn't anything we aren't used to." Jin mumbled but Namjoon heard it and grabbed his wrist to gain his attention.

"What's going on?"

"It's n-nothing. It's just a hunch I have, okay? It could be nothing at all anyways." Jin explained, hoping Namjoon would let go.

"Is it about Taehyung?"

Jin's face turned and Namjoon sighed, "I have my suspicions to, Jinnie. We don't know anything about him and what happened before he came here. It was really a risk to accept him to help us for a few months but we need him."

"I get it. I'll stop."

"Good." Namjoon leaves Jin's quarters leaving the doctor to sigh before picking his computer up again.


"So what's this favor then?" Taehyung asks, watching as Jungyeon walks with his hands behind his back.

"I need you to kill someone for me. It's just a little revenge so I'm sure you can handle it." Jungyeon tells him smirking and stopping looking at Taehyung.

"Who is it?"

"Kim Seokjin." Jungyeon tells him, "He was the one who got Jeongguk away from my guards and caused me to loose my only son. I want my revenge and your mission is to destroy BTS. If you take out the doctor, they don't have a great way to heal. Isn't it perfect?"

"Yeah. Just perfect." Taehyung crosses his arms, rolling his eyes sarcastically.

"Well, your boss orders you to do it. Message me when it's done and don't fail. Or else I will kidnap you again and you won't be escaping so easily this time." Jungyeon threatens, "Have a nice night, Kim."

"You too, Mr. Jeon."


Jin organizes his station. He can't keep the article that he saw off his thoughts. 'Why did Taehyung disappear? What happened? Why didn't they make a big deal about the fact that he came back just like that?'

Something was super off about Taehyung from the start. Seokjin didn't know what it was when he first met him but since he saw some of his gang members getting close to him, he didn't think much of him. But then, it started when Taehyung knew of his relationship with Namjoon.

They've hid everything so well for the past two years and this assassin can figure it out with being with them for one or two months? He just didn't believe it. It was the question of whether or not he shouldn't believe it being the right choice.

It was strange how Taehyung got so easily taken away. How he escaped without their help and that he was barely harmed. He just didn't believe that all of those things could be a coincidence. Maybe he had researched them before and found things out but it still didn't explain what had happened when he got kidnapped.

He became curious and then decided to use the website Hoseok made for their searches and databases. He had a sneaking feeling that Kim Taehyung wasn't fully on their side.

But before he could think more of it, he hears the sound of something coming near his ear and ducks quickly. He looks to the side and sees a knife stuck to the wall with his favorite painting on it.

Before he could look to side to see who the culprit is, Jin hears Namjoon walk in to talk to him.

"The gang is heading to the outskirts of Seoul tomorrow. Apparently there's been some trouble brewing and some people are stealing our orders. We'll check it out." Namjoon informed him. Once his boyfriend had left, he tried to investiagte what had happened.

There was no clues left but a knife in his favorite painting. He sighed before leaving with Namjoon and following after him.

"Fuck." The assassin cursed under his breath and behind the mask. He grabs his phone and the screen lights up. He sees a small message from Jugyeon that reads "tik tok, little assassin."

"What are you doing?"

"Huh?" He looks up, hiding his phone from the hitman and the older looks at him suspiciously. "Nothing. Just saw something on my phone."

"Okay? Come on, Namjoon's calling us to the main room." Yoongi tells him and turns around to go.

Taehyung sighs and closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. He opens up his eyes and walks forward, following after Yoongi.

'That was too fucking close. I got to get him next time.'


hope you all enjoyed the double update! it's a gift since i just got over 600 folowers so thank you everyonec!! love you :)

twt: @moonntete

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