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Quiet murmuring and the clicking of keys filled Jisoo's office workspace. The man was focusing intentently on his computer screen, his eyes occasionally shifting down to the paper files he had to type into the document. When hearing the muted clacks of someone's shoes pass by, Jisoo shifted his chair closer to the desk and continued his typing. He wanted to get this done as soon as possible; after all there still was a large amount of work he had to do.

Suddenly, a white paper appeared, blocking his screen. Having no choice now, Jisoo tilted his head up to see who it was. The young man beside him grinned showing off his pearly white canines and pulled the paper away from his screen. "I knew I'd find you here!" he exclaimed, "I always end up seeing you staring at your screen here."

Massaging his wrists, Jisoo gives the man a small smile, "Well... yes. I do have quite a bit of work to do still.." he looks unhappily at the papers on his desk. "I think-

The man playfully slaps Jisoo in the face with the paper, "Don't you dare say that." he warned, "The answer is no, you cannot skip lunch and continue your work. Wonwoo's waiting in the break room for you, so come on." 

Jisoo shakes his head. Kim Mingyu, a young floater, is probably the most persistent person he has ever met. But still, as persistent as he is, Jisoo is glad that someone so energetic and welcoming works at the same place he does. Mingyu was one of the few workers that made his day just a little better.

The floater stayed rooted in his spot and patiently for Jisoo to stand up. When Jisoo shot another quick glance at his screen, the young man took in a deep breath, "Alright Jisoo, I'm only doing this because you leave me no choice," he warned, "do you know how bad working all day is for you? Not only is it a detriment to your physical health but your mental as well. In fact, overworked employees often have to deal with chronic stress and this could potentially lead to job burnout as well. According to research done by the university o- "

Jisoo quickly switched off his computer and stood up, only then did he realize how cramped his legs felt. "Mingyu." he let out a tired laugh, "enough. I'm coming, I'm coming." Spitting out buttloads of facts was a thing Mingyu did when he really wanted something. Jisoo had no idea how he remembered it all but however he did, it was quite impressive. He once wanted to challenge Mingyu to see how long the man could really talk for but the entirety of it only lasted for seven minutes. And that was only because Jisoo swore if he heard Mingyu talk another second about the history of Korea, his ears would fall off (Mingyu was nowhere near tired or finished. 'I'm just getting started' he said).

Despite being two years younger than Jisoo, Mingyu was half a head taller than him. This was something that Jisoo always noticed when walking beside him (and no, he was not envious of it at all). And to add onto the height, he was also quite a looker too. His sun-kissed skin, matched with always seemingly perfect brown hair, no wonder the female employees would always talk about him.

Mingyu dragged him out of the quiet office and into a more spacious and laid back room. The large windows allowed plenty of natural light to fall in on the couches and chairs. A large white table took up one side of the room, this is where a few of Jisoo's co-workers were sitting and chatting away. Mingyu didn't give the table a second glance, his eyes zeroing on one particular person.


The man quietly drinking by the coffee machine looked up, his eyes brightening underneath the round wire frame glasses he always wore. Jeon Wonwoo, the fluffball middle manager who worked way too hard. It was hard not like someone like Wonwoo. He's patient, understanding, helpful. He listens to you when you need to vent and is willing to lend a hand to whoever needs it. So yeah, basically everything you want in a human being.

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