It's all about space

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When it was your tenth birthday Tsukasa began to get a bit more violent with you...It was nothing major!! Just small slaps on your head, back and arms you could handle it your mother does it when you misbehave or upset her so you just assumed that's the reason Tsukasa does it too. You don't hold it against him. You've gotten used to him squishing and torturing small weak spirits and you would join in at times even without him asking demanding you to which it seemed that he was extremely happy and proud about that outcome. His mini-experiment about taking an innocent boy and turning them into something not so innocent was working. 

Oh yeah! You also made a new friend!! A girl with swollen ankles but she claims they're not swollen but you still think a hive of bees or wasps stung her and that the doctors couldn't save her old ankles so now she has to live with the swollen ones the bees and wasps gave her. It makes them look like white radishes. 

You also have another friend you met when you were six he was a bit stinky but you didn't mind, Kanata Hoshi was a good friend, you like his Lastname it means 'star'. You've always liked the moon and stars and the idea of life in space you hoped that when you die you would come back as a ghost like Tsukasa and maybe you would have a chance at seeing ships that look like the ones you see in star wars. You wanted the idea of a moon station to be apart of reality. You wanted to travel galaxies and discover life on other planets, to see the death and births of stars. You wanted to be alive so you could make those fantasies real but you knew that could never happen. 


"(l/n)-Kun." Snapping out of your thoughts you lifted your head off the table and turned to the direction of a certain daikon girls voice. "Yashiro, what do you want?"

"Well, i-i was wondering if you wanted to be partners for this project that we have to do?" The girl stood stiff as a bored waiting for your response with a small blush coating her cheeks. "If you don't want to that's fine!" 

"Yeah sure,.....what's the project about?" During the explanation about the project, you were too busy about imaging yourself landing on the moon and flipping everyone off who couldn't go to the moon because they have a sad and boring life. "You weren't listening? EEk! Sorry that was rude! Anyway, it's really not that complicated all you have to do is make a small presentation about something your passionate about but both partners have to agree on the topic first."

Your eyes light up in excitement. "Really!! That's so cool! Can we talk about space!! We can decorate the poster with stars and moon stickers, oooooo, and rocket ones too!!" You gazed at her with a wide grin on your face anticipating her answer cus' for some reason she always agrees with everything you say. 

"Yes, of course, we can!" Nene cheered with a determined look on her face.

"You can come round my house and have a sleepover!! I can ask my mum if we can if you want to!" 

Nene Killua halted in her cheering and gave you a surprised look. "S-sleepover with you!?.....Sleep in your bed!? Yeah, that's fine!"  At this point, she might as well been born a tomato. "Well I was going to leave you on the floor with the bugs but if you want to top and tail that's fine, we can do it tomorrow." You spoke honestly.

Nene nodded her head vigorously.

Recently Tsukasa hasn't been bugging your every second of the day maybe he's given you more freedom. YAAAY. is weird not seeing him as much as before. 

~~~~~ The next day after school. 

"Welcome (-to Jurassic Park) to my room Yashiro!!"  You pushed open the door revelling your nerdy space room. You dragged Nene over to a hamster cage which sat on your desk you opened the cage's door and gently picked up a small black dwarf hamster and presented him to Yashiro. 

"This is Sirius! He's still a baby so you have to be careful. Well, you still have to be careful even when he's grown up because he's only a hamster." You gave Sirius to the daikon as she let him crawl on her hands. 

"Awwww he's so cute!! I might get a hamster soon!! Did you name him after that person in the wizard movies?" Nene cooed at the hamster while stroking his head. 

"kind of because he's also named after the star Sirius." Radish handed Sirius back to you to begin the space project. She looked around your room and found different space posters hanging on your wall and a lava lamp sitting the opposite side of the Hamster cage. Above her was a galaxy ceiling looking down on her. 

Beside your bed stood a makeshift rocket. "Wow (l/n) that's really good!!" Turning around to face her you saw what she was looking at. "I know right!! Kanata helped me make it!! He's amazing at making stuff like that!"

"So should we start the-"

"Wait, wait, wait! I need to show you something else first." You interrupted Yashiro as you rushed towards your wardrobe and pulled out a projector. "This Nene. Is a space projector!" You plugged the projectors plug in the socket and switched it on. 

A blue and purple galaxy projected itself across your room giving your room a relaxing glow. Nene stared at it in fascination. "This is really cool..."

"Glad you think so. I find it a lot better than just looking at my ceiling but I would find it even better if I had a telescope so I could look at the moon, stars and planets in person. Going to the moon sounds so much better than just looking at it." You gave Nene a side glance but she didn't seem to notice because she was too enchanted in the cold galaxy. "So when I grow up I wish to be an astronaut."

"I believe you can become an astronaut (y/n)."

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