23. "ɪ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ."

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By the time that Iwaizumi finally began to wake, he could subconsciously feel the lack of warmth beside him.

He shifted his body and groggily blinked open his eyes, while his hand patted down the area where Oikawa was supposed to be.

It was cold. The spot beside him was cold enough that Iwaizumi knew his soulmate had been gone for a while now.

To where, he had no idea.

"Oikawa?" He called out. Pulling the covers off of himself, Iwaizumi got out of bed and began to look for the brunette.

Sunlight peeked through his apartment's windows, and he could feel the warmth as he passed by. He stifled a yawn as he entered the living room. The clock on the wall read that it was five after nine.

Oikawa wasn't there though.

He frowned, scratching his head. Where could he be? Iwaizumi wondered.

He walked into the kitchen, hoping to find his soulmate and wanting to get a cup of water. Unfortunately, the brunette wasn't there, but he did grab a glass and fill it with water.

Taking small sips, Iwaizumi wondered about what he should make for breakfast. If he could recall correctly, Oikawa mentioned that he really liked waffles at the moment. He could probably whip some up and lay out some fresh fruit for them both.

He smiled to himself and looked around the kitchen one more time, as if making sure Oikawa wasn't hiding somewhere. While his soulmate's sudden disappearance should have bothered him more, he didn't feel the usual amount of anxiety that he always did. Their talk last night smoothed some things over, and he realized that he had more trust in Oikawa. His smile grew a little bigger.


Still, he hoped that the brunette would return soon. He felt more comfortable with his soulmate by his side.

Iwaizumi finished his glass of water and set it down in the sink. Right as he did, he heard the front door open.

Good thing he had already set the glass down, otherwise it would've shattered. He immediately rushed to the living room to greet his beloved—

"Harumi?" He asked, appalled at the sight of his sister.

The latter stared up at him, looking like a hot mess. She was wearing the same clothes as the night he had first met Oikawa in the hospital, and her hair looked like a bird's nest after a rainstorm.

Not that it had rained recently, but her hair looked so greasy that Iwaizumi cringed slightly.

"Harumi, what are you doing here?" He asked, feeling a stab of disappointment.

His sister gave him a stink eye. "No 'good morning,' no 'how are you,' instead my idiotic brother asks why I'm at his apartment that I helped pay for, and without even the littlest amount of pity for his beautiful, older sister," complained Harumi.

Iwaizumi's lips pressed into a thin line. He really couldn't put up with her bullshit today.

Summoning as much patience as he can, he asked tightly, "How are you, my beautiful sister?"

Harumi flopped down on the couch and sighed dramatically. "You don't know the hell I went through for you and that Mori kid."

"Oh?" Iwaizumi took a seat next to her.

"Yes," answered Harumi. "The stupid security guards at the hospital caught me, and they called the police—"

"Really?" wondered Iwaizumi. "I don't remember seeing any police cars when I was leaving—"

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