Chapter One

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Seven years ago.


A lot of them.

A wide field filled with green, yellow and white and above us a painting of blue and cotton candy white clouds. The wind blew softly among us, caressing my soft skin gently. The birds were quiet, normally they were noisy, a little too noisy. The little chicks would always chirp loudly because of their aching stomachs, but today, they chirped in harmony with their elders.

The golden orb shone down at us mere humans and creatures, giving us the blessing to see wonderful things. All of it. The sun also gave me him. My knight in shining armour, my saviour. Calix Lockwood. My best friend and my protector. He was the one to save me from my greatest

"Are you coming bambola?!" He shouted from the top of the hill, his bright smile could be seen, even from miles away.

"Yeah!" I shouted back, grabbing the basket filled with daisies and dashed up the hill with all the speed I could muster.

"Gosh...this...hill...i-is...huge!" I spoke in between deep breaths.

The grey eyed boy looked at me with much amusement in his eyes.

What's so amusing about seeing me in pain?

"What?" I asked confused, wiping the beads of sweat off my forehead.

He shook his head side to side, grinning widely at me. "Vieni a sederti." He said, and expected me to understand him when clearly, I didn't, but it did seem like an order to me.

"Lockwood," I sighed softly, my hands rested on my hips. "Not everyone speaks Italian like you do." I sarcastically remarked, earning an eye roll from the raven headed boy.

"Sit bellissima." He partly translated, giving me a boyish grin, patting the space in front of him.

Rolling my eyes playfully, a small grin still evident on my face, I sat between his legs so that he could braid my hair like he always does.

A comfortable silence rested upon us as he gently tugged on my hair, inserting the fragile daisies in them, humming his song. Something he seemed to do whenever he was quiet or alone.

"Cal?" I called out to him using his nickname and he hummed softly in response, still humming the lyrics to the song I found enticing.

"Done." He spoke softly, and I turned around to face him, a bright smile rested on his lips as much as mine.

"Promise you'll never leave me?" I asked, holding out my pinky finger for him to take. He looked at my finger, then at my face and grinned, wrapping his finger with mine.


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