Étoile Celestrius, The Glorious Star

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Étoile Celestrius

~The Glorious Star~

Born: 21B.A. Death: 47A.A


1A.A. to 29A.A.

Married to:



Usagina Celestrius (♀)

⦁On a cold winter night just as a storm was begin to pick up in the year 21B.A. in the Kingdom of Fae , a baby girl was born with Brown hair and Blue eyes and Bright Green Pointed Star like Cheek emblems, the child was name Étoile, a name meaning 'Star' in the High Magian Language. However, her last name has been contested through many historians, as many would say she was a Celestrius like her mother or a Blackthrone like her father, she was simple called Thorn in some records for her status as a bastard.

⦁Her mother was the Lady of Star Point, Cosmosia Celestrius while her father was the King Archibald Blackthrone, who had married Lady Cosmosia in hopes of a male heir after his first wife failed to have any living male children only another daughter that he had since been bastardized upon his annulment of their marriage. However, her mother's favor and love from him would end very soon after her birth when her mother was accused of adulterous behavior and beheaded for her presumed crimes. Many historians debate if the King simply wanted to end the marriage and pinned a crime on her or if it was the truth. In any case that there was, at Four Months old, Étoile was stripped of her title of Princess, a title that she was born with, now Lady, and sent away from court to live back on Star Point with her Childless uncle .

⦁Growing up she knew little of courtly life, however an education was not restricted, her uncle named her his heir and gave her the family name Celestrius in any writing of her than the title of Thorn as the king had given her upon her status in life changing from princess to a bastard lady. She was taught to read, write, painting, sing, dance, give speeches, run government and even more "boyish lessons" as many would call them such as sword fighting, hunting, full range of horseback riding and military command lessons, many of her teachers called her "A smart girl like her mother was once called, that has a good head and masters elements quickly". A note that must be made that during this time she had little contact with her father, only gaining a wishing of good health during the end of the year harvest season. One element that none taught her other than her uncle was magic itself, preparing her for her travel into the family crypts and gain her spiritual jewel. And as her mother was his older sister and the true head of the family before she went to become the Queen and subsequentially losing her head, her only living child would be given a special spiritual jewel, a jewel that would takt the shape of an object.

⦁On this eventful day, her thirteenth birthday in the year 8B.A. as she would state in her journal that she felt, '...a pull that guided me through the ancient catacombs, when the pull ended I saw a Large pool of glistening liquid that simmer with colors that I saw constantly in my dreams, I placed both my hands in it and soon I felt something nestled within my grasp, and soon I found myself back at the entrance of the catacombs that I began at. ' she goes to her uncles meeting hall where minor lords and knights came to witness this event, and when she released her jewel from her grasp it changed to be a wand.
⦁The following year end harvest however came with news that shocked many, Her father, had relegitimized his two daughters from his first and second wife and ordering them to return to the capital by the end of the first month of the near year. Étoile was shocked by this; she had never met her father nor anyone from the capital lands. At first she wanted to decline and beg her kingly father to allow her live on Star Point and become Lady of Star Point, but her uncle stopped her telling her "You never deny a royal summons your grandfather did that it got the king's lustful eyes on your mother." And so reluctantly at the beginning days of 7B.A. she along with some of her belongings and her oldest teacher left from the only home and family she knew of for so long to people she would one day call 'Strangers who shared my blood.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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