Like a Lovesick Fool..[Akashi X Reader][Part 1]

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Hey there!This is my first story and I hope you like it!Let's pretend that you have a transfer student from Singapore in your class and he is a Malay and his name is Shahrul..Okay then,let's start!


Uhhh,(name)-nee?", you brother called out to you.You turned to find him acting rather strange."Yes (brother's name)?Something wrong?" You asked and saw him flinched and was trembling a bit."Actually,about your crush I t-told him that you liked him.." you brother said,fearing for his life.Your eyes widened and you controlled yourself from killing your brother.You told your brother who you liked since you didn't want your friends to know yet.

You hold in your breath and counted to five.You sighed and said,"Really?Okay then.." Your brother looked up to you and quickly nodded his head before running away.You liked Shahrul ever since you met him in the streets.You weren't looking where you were looking and accidentally bumped into him.The moment you saw his face, you feel in love with him.

'I wonder what his reaction is gonna be..' you thought to yourself and wondered if you should tell your friend..'Maybe I should tell Lou-chan.I'm sure she can keep this as a secret', you thought..

Next day in school

"Uhhh,Lou-chan,can I tell you something later during lunch at the rooftop?" You asked Lou-Chan,your best friend.Lou-chan nodded her head and you bowed before going to your class.

In class..

After you asked Lou-chan, you made your way to class and when you opened the door,you saw Shahrul in the class sitting and reading a book.He stopped reading and looked up to you and smiled.When he smiled,your heart went doki-doki and you felt heat creeping up to your cheeks. You quickly smiled back and made your way to your seat and put down you head to hide the blush.You hope that he wouldn't come to your table and asked if you really liked him.. That would be the most embarrassing thing.

You prayed hard but luck wasn't on your side at that time.He stood you from his table and made his way to your table. "(Name)." He called out.When you heard his voice, your went doki-doki at an incredible speed and you think that it may pop out anytime.You slowly lifted your head a made eye contact with each other.

He bent down to you ear and whispered, "is it true that you have a crush on me?" Your face that was already red,turned into a darker shade of red and tried denying it although you were stuttering. "W-what!T-that's not t-true!" He smirked and looked at you."Really now?If it's not true then why are you blushing so hard?" He asked.

You quickly hoped that the teacher came in and will disrupt your awkward conversation with him..You prayed yet again and this time Kami-sama decided to grant your wish..Your (fav subject) teacher came in and asked the students to go back to their own seat...He smirked and looked into your eye.."Be prepared to answer my question later (name)-Chan~!" You nodded your head and you turned your head to a certain read head."Are you okay?" He mouthed with a worried expression on his face..Akashi had been your best friend ever since you could remember.. He was always there whenever you faced the ups and downs of life and you were also there for him when he faced the ups and downs of life.But ever since he got his emperor eye,he became evil and won't even talk to you..

You were upset obviously but luckily Kuroko changed Akashi to the way he was back then during the Winter Cup..

"I'm fine," you mouthed back to him."Meet you later together with Lou-chan at the roof top during lunch",you mouthed and turned to face the teacher who was talking about the history of Russia when Stalin became the superior ruler of Russia...

#Timeskip to Lunch#Brought to you by Akashi's hotness..

"Okay class,I want you to hand in your homework tomorrow and make sure that it is completely done," you history teacher told the whole class..You quickly pack up your things and took your bento and tried to run as fast as you can from being questioned by Shahrul.But before you could even step out of the classroom, someone held your hand preventing you from escaping.You turned to see Shahrul smirking."eh!~(name)-chan is running?Come on answer my question.. I've been waiting." He said.

You tried to struggle your hand out of his grip but his grip is getting tighter and tighter."L-let go of me Shahrul, it hurts.." you told him,trying to hold your tears that is threatening to flow out.He shook his head and placed his mouth near your ear."I know you love me (name),and I'm gonna let you admire me until you can't anymore okay?" You nodded your head and he lets go of your hand with a bruise on it and left the classroom.

Akashi saw the whole thing and is controlling his anger.He went up to you and took your hand."Sei-kun, where are you taking me?" You asked the red headed boy.He didn't answer you and you let him be.He brought you you the rooftop where Lou-chan is waiting."God (name)!I thought that you were never gonna come." You smiled and apologized to her for taking so long.

"So what are you gonna tell me?" Lou-chan asked you.You put down your bento and faced Akashi and Lou-chan. "W-well,this is surprising but I..I have.. a c-crush on S-shahrul..." Lou-chan's eyes widened and almost choke on her food.Akashi eyes widened and quickly regained back to his composure.Silence filled the air and the bell rang."Well (name), the bell already rang",Akashi said and stood up. He opened the door and waited for you and Lou-chan to stand up.After you guys went ahead of him,he leaned agaisnt the door and sighed before walking back to class together with you.


Thank you to those who read my story!Really appreciate it!Do look forward to part 2 okay?



Ja matta ne minna!~

Seijurou0903 signing off!~

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