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About an hour later, we have all finished packing up my room.

Me: Do you guys mind if we load the car now?

*Everyone nods and we all start bringing the boxes down stairs and into the car. Everyone then gets in the car's we where in before and we drive back to sway. This time, I have the AUX chord and I am blasting music. Me and all the boys are screaming and singing to the songs. Jaden keeps looking at me and every time he does his smile only grows bigger. I can't help but to smile back at him. A couple minutes later, my hand slipped and fell into Jaden's lap when he was making a sharp turn. I laugh out of embarrassment and Jaden grabs my hand. He interwinds out fingers together and smiles at me. I blush and look out the window. I take in every second I can of being with Jaden cause only God knows when I will have to leave again. I can't help but to have the biggest smile on my face and Jaden notices causing him to laugh to himself.  A couple minutes later, we pull into Sway and everyone helps me bring in the many bags of my stuff. They bring them into Jaden's room and I thank them. I sit on the couch and Jaden, Josh and Blake walk in, sitting with me. We all talk about random things.*

Josh: I need content for my youtube channel!

Me: And Jaden still needs to take me shopping for new stuff for my room!

*I put my chin on his shoulder and give him a pouty face. He laughs and squishes my face together.*

Jaden: I can't say no to that face!

*We all laugh and out of no where, Jaden licks my cheek. I quickly wipe it off with my hoodie sleeve. Well, actually Jaden's hoodie sleeve.*

Me: Jaden fucking Hossler! I'm going to kill you!

*He runs around the couch while I chase after him. When I catch up to him, I jump on his back, He grabs my thighs and starts running around so I couldn't get out of his grip. I laugh as Haden runs around with me on his back. When we finally reach the couch after running around the whole house, Jaden drops me on the couch and jumps on top of me. He starts tickling me and we are both dying of laughter. When he gets closer to my face, he pauses. My lips are 2 inches away from his. I can feel his breath on my face and all I want to do is just kiss him. I think he might want the same thing as he keeps glancing at my lips and then back at eyes. After a minutes, Josh pretends to clear his throat causing Jaden to quickly jump off of me. We both sit up totally forgetting that Josh and Blake where in the room.*

Josh: Well, you guys where pretty close right there!

Me: Josh, I don't want to fucking hear it!

*He laughs and I make eye contact with Jaden. He smiles and I can't help but to smile back.*

Me: I should probably get changed since we ARE going shopping!

Josh: I'm coming for content!

*I laugh*

Me: What ever you say dumbass!

*I laugh and run upstairs. I go through a couple of the bags to find a cute outfit to wear for the rest of the day. I go into the bathroom and change and then I do some light curls in my hair. I also apply a thin layer of mascara and some high lighter.*

My outfit:

I then run downstairs and see Josh and Jaden by the door

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I then run downstairs and see Josh and Jaden by the door. I run up to them and smile.

Me: I'm ready!

*Jaden try's to decrepitly look me up and down but I notice causing me to blush.*


Blake: Someone is coming over after so bring snacks!

*I laugh*

Me: Kk!

*I grab both Jaden and Josh's wrist's and drag them to the car. They both laugh at my actions while I just smile excited to go shopping.*

Josh: I have never seen someone so excited to go shopping!

*Jaden chuckles*

Jaden: That's the Lilli we love!

*I blush hearing Jaden say love and my name in the same sentence. I drag both boys to the car and I quickly get in, eager to shop. Josh and Jaden sit in the front while I sit in the back. Josh sets up the camera and starts filming.*

Josh: Thanks to Lilli, we are shopping!

*I hit the back of his head causing all 3 of us to chuckle*

Me: You asked to come along for content so shut the fuck up!

Jaden: Before I start driving, where exactly are we going?


Josh: Sorry, I didn't hear that what did you say?

*Josh says sarcastically cause I practically screamed my words. I glare at Josh and he laughs*

Josh:Target it is! Come on Jaden! Don't want evil queen to hit me again!

*We all laugh and Jaden starts driving.*

Fall For Me- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now