Chapter 7

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Marcus couldn't believe he had let himself be seen like that. He would have been more embarrassed if Severine hadn't looked like he was going to throw up when he said things hadn't gone as planned at home. Obviously, something serious had happened but he didn't feel like he could pry into it. After Severine went to his room he chose a less embarrassing playlist, turned the volume down, and finished cleaning.

After cleaning he made lunch, he walked back to Severine's room to ask if he wanted any but when he pushed open the cracked door he saw Severine was asleep. He went back to the kitchen and ate lunch alone. After eating meals alone most of his life he thought he was used to it, but after sharing a couple of meals with Severine, even if they didn't talk hardly at all during them, eating alone felt odd now. After lunch he sat on the couch watching T.V., Severine woke up not long after that, came out, got a plate of food, then went back to his room, without saying a word.

That's odd normally he would normally say something. At dinner he went back to Severine's room and knocked lightly on the door. He asked if Severine wanted dinner but after a few minutes of him not answering, he went back to the kitchen and cooked for himself. He heard Severine's door open and close, then the bathroom door, and the shower start. Severine was not acting like himself and even though he shouldn't care that much he did. He quickly cleaned up the kitchen and headed to his room. He would wait for Severine to get out of the bathroom then jump him with questions. It wasn't long before he heard the bathroom door open.

"Bout time you got out, I gotta p.....what the fuck happened?" he demanded.

Severine went completely white, "Nothing, what are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb Severine," he fumed, "I'm talking about the bruises on your arms." He took a step closer to Severine.

Severine stepped towards his door, now that the light from the bathroom was shining differently in the hallway he could see they were in the perfect shape of hand prints and that Severine was shaking slightly.

"What the hell Severine, who did this?" he asked, trying to make his voice as soft as possible, even though he was fuming.

"It's nothing. No one did it. just happened," Severine stammered.

"That doesn't just happen and they weren't there the other night. Sev, seriously, what happened," he demanded again. He was trying to use a voice as if he were talking to Cas, but failing.

Severine had been wearing a tank top while they drank the other night so Marcus had had a full, distracting, view of his arms.

"I said it's nothing okay! Leave me alone Marcus!" Severine screamed.

He was taken aback, he had never heard Severine scream and was honestly surprised he could. Severine looked like he was just as caught off guard by his outburst, then looking completely ashamed, bolted into his room, slamming the door shut behind him. Marcus looked at the closed door for a few moments before going into his own room. He sat on his bed replaying what had just happened and several pieces clicked into place; Sev looking relieved at being told he wasn't a burden, being jumpy after he had yelled at him, the nightmares, and the bruises. Marcus was more pissed off about this situation then he had expected himself to be. He let out a groan of frustration and went to bed even though it was still early.

Marcus was standing by the skeeball machine with Caspian waiting for him to finish up so they could move to the next game.

"Come on Cas, you suck at this game," Marcus laughed as Caspian tossed another ball and it landed in the zero points hole.

"No, just one more go, I promise," Caspian begged.

"Okay, okay," Marcus said as he rumpled his younger brother's hair.

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