Hello Sweetie

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He stared at the words for a few moments. 

"Hello Sweetie," the hologram read in time lord writing. 

"Oh River" he smiled, quickly adjusting the TARDIS settings and pulling the final lever. 

With the familiar sounds of TARDIS time travel, he landed in the prison, opening the doors just in time for River to run through, as several men came chasing after her. With a snap of his fingers, the doors shut, and he pulled the lever again, sending them back into motion. 

As he adjusted their destination, River caught her breath, and, with a smile, greeted him with her familiar, "Hello Sweetie." 

He took a long side glance at her, inspecting her up and down for a moment before his usual smile made an appearance. 

"Hello River," he said. 

"Oh I've been just itching to see you again," she said, pulling off her shoe to pull a small contraption out. 

Curiously, he jumped closer and continued the rest of his trip to her at a walking pace to get a closer look.

She handed it to him.

After analyzing it for only a moment, he understood her reason for bringing it to him.

"Oh, this would help the TARDIS's retrieval functions! I could just kiss you!" He exclaimed, taking it from her and walking only a few feet away to examine it with the pieces already connected to the TARDIS.

"Why don't you?" she smugly replied, casually walking up to him. 

"Oh you would just love that, wouldn't you?" he jokingly asked in reply. 

When he turned to look at her again, she was only inches away. They stared into each other's eyes briefly before River broke their momentary silence. 

"You know... I think about you all the time in prison," she spoke softly. 

There was an undertone in her voice that was almost undetectable. Being the Doctor, however, he didn't miss it.

"Is that so?" he asked in a level of voice just above a whisper.

"So many lonely nights, with nothing to do..." she added, the curiously sweet undertone thickening with each word. 

He couldn't quite put his finger on what her undertone hinted at, but it sent shivers down his spine anyway.

 "What are you getting at?" he asked. 

"The thought of the great Doctor and his little blue box. It brings pleasure to more than just the mind," she said, her usual smile changing into one with less innocent intentions. 

He looked back and forth at both of her eyes a moment, pondering what she meant. With a surprised gasp, he finally understood. 

"River! You don't mean you..." he started, glancing downwards as if to indicate what he meant without having to actually say it.

"To the thought of you?" she asked and lifted a finger under his chin. 

"Oh yes, Sweetie," she said, finally connecting their lips. 

He waved his hands around for a minute, unsure of where to put them. He settled on her cheek, just below her ear, and also just below her waist. She smiled into the kiss, tilting her head to deepen it.

Their kiss shifted from one of savoring sweetness into one with more emotion and want. The tender touch they had on each other became a closer embrace, wanting the most out of each other as possible. They pressed their bodies together, the Doctor's hand remaining on her cheek while the other wrapped around her. She reached behind and grabbed a handful of hair. She gently pulled and tugged on it, twisting certain pieces around her finger and using her position there to push his head impossibly closer to hers. Her other arm remained around his hip, bringing his body closer to hers.

11th Doctor x RiversongWhere stories live. Discover now