You guessed it, another Betrayal

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I'm writing this story for anyone who reads it so be sure to comment if you have Ideas or requests cause the author can do anything. Well back to thinking on how Percy will be betrayed.

Perseus Jackson.

   A name that people used to love now despise, his enemies cowered and his friends look at him with admiration. But that all changed when he was blamed for wars and cheated on.

  Percy POV

     I just back from Olympus and was taking a cab to Camp Olympia. [A/N The two camps united after The Giant War] I was thinking of the quest At times asked me to go on for her. Well more like ordered. One of her hunters had been bitten by a Hydra and Apollo needed a Golden Apple of the Hesperides. Apollo would have gone but he needed to stay at the Hunteress' side to keep her from dying. So she sent me to defeat Ladon the 'Undefeatable'. It was absolutely tartarus to defeat Ladon.

Flashback [A/N get ready for a lot of these :)]

I swirled  slashed at Ladons many heads. Before long I had cut of half of his hundered heads. After another 10 minutes Ladon was on the ground writhing and disintegrated all of his many heads gone. The Hesperides looked at me with awe, fear, and hatred. The middle one looked at me with pure hatred and said "Take our apples, but beware of their true..." I interrupted her and said "Let me guess beware of their true power and whatnot." She looked at me and sneered "You are not worthy of these apples." "Well there not for me." I countered and let me just say her expression was priceless. "You don't seek them for yourself" said the Hesperide in the back of the three. "Nope" I said popping the P. "It's for this Hunteress' that got bit by a Hydra." The one in the middle gave me the weirdest of looks and said "Well, how noble. I will teleport you to Olympus so you can save this Hunteress'." "Um, thanks?" I said. Honestly not the reaction I was expecting. They began to glow and one said to another while I was begenning to teleport. "Poor boy does not deserve his life crumbling" this unnerved me a great deal. I appeared next to a bed that had the Hunteress' on it. "I'm Back" I panted still exhausted from my fight with Ladon. Artimes looked at me in... was that fear. And Apollo just snatched the apples from my hand and mashed them in a bowl. He shoved the paste into the wound and the Hunteress began to regain her color. "Thank you, Persues. You are free to leave." He said with a look of fear in his eyes. I left thinking about what the Hesperides where talking about. I hopped into the elevator and got down to the lobby. Then without missing a beat I hopped into a cab and Long Island Southern Sound.

Flashback end

  I hopped out of the car and gave the driver a generous amount of money. I sprinted up the hill to see good ole' camp Olympia in all its glory. I walked towards it looking at all of the magnificence. Huge walls made up of Celestial Bronze surrounded the Small city, at least 15 feet high and 4 feet thick with a huge arch that was sealed up with beautifully carved 2 1/2 foot thick oak doors. The interior was perhaps better than the outside with its perfect architecture made by my wife Annabeth.

        The houses where more like small apartments. Each one for a god. The Zues' apartment was sky blue, of course, and had Imperial Gold lightning bolts along the sides with a domed roof and the inside look like a normal complex stairs and doors leading to the rooms for kids and legacies of Jupiter and Zeus (Theres a good 50 legacies for every god). The Hades apartment was made up of very dark wood with diamonds so it looked like the night with a pointed roof made up of Stygian Iron that seemed to suck the light out of the air. [A/N I'm only going to describe the big three cabins don't worry]. Then there's the Poseidon apartment, it was still made up of sea stone with beautiful carvings of the sea in it. On the roof was a piece of ocean floor that had been enchanted to look like it was still in the ocean it had fish, plants, and a small sea serpent.

   I looked around to see some people glaring at me. What the shell I thought to my self. I saw Annabeth with some Ares guy who was flirting with her. She looked to be ignoring him but still actually responding to his flirting. Oh shell no I thought infuriated and stomped toward the to. I overheard tha Ares guy say "Oh come on babe, just dump the loser and go out with me. I'm obviously better."   "No Gabe, He may have betrayed us, but I still love him." Wait betrayed I thought to myself What the Fuck. "Aww come on" he said with the ugliest pout. It looked like he just got slapped with the ugly. He leaned in and kissed her AND SHE KISSED BACK. "WTF is going on." I said absolutely livid. Annabeth wheeled around and spluttered "Percy it's not what it looks like." Her eyes were comically wide and she was scared as all hell. "Then what is it" I said calmly which seemed to scare her more. "I...He...We...." "That's whats I thought." I didn't lose it I just punched Gabes face in and began to walk away when I felt the familiar sensation of teleportation and was in front of the whole Olympian Council.

       "PERUES JACKSON, You have been found guilty of Treason and being to Powerful." Zeus roared. "What" I whispered completely broken. "You heard him" Thalia said Who was sitting at Zues' feet. "I'm sorry Percy, but you've gotten to powerful and pose a threat to our thrones."My father said. I looked at all the Olympians and surprisingly only Hades, Hera, and Ares looked mad. "Those who agree on killing him." Nick said. Everyone but Hades and Ares raised there hands. "I thought you hated me." They looked at each other and Ares said "Well I respect you for beating me and with all of the wars you've won you've made me and my domain stronger, Punk." Wow was all I could think. Then Hades said something that surprised me even more "You have gained my respect, my throne, and when my family ignored me you showed me kindness and respect for that I respect you. And Nico you disappoint me boy." Zeus smiled and said "As for your Treason... Athena herself has proof that you betrayed us." I. Was. Pissed. "After I've done for you, you cause me of Treason. Well when you where screwed in the titan war I killed Kronos and Hyperion. And in the giant war I killed Geae, Otis, Polybotes, and Enchiladas [A/N I don't know how to spell his name XD]. When all of the gods where bound and the rest of the seven unconscious. AND YOU UNGRATEFUL FUCKS DO THIS." As I said all this I looked at each god or godess and at the end pointed at Poseidon.

    Zeus turned many colors in his rage and he launched his master bolt at me, but some how when I raised my arm it stopped mid-throw. I looked at my hands in wonder then Athena launched herself at me but when her spear got within an inch of my heart it hit an invisible barrier. She was launched backwards and hit a column effectively shattering it. I felt a pain in my back a saw wings that looked like they were made up of black electricity. I flapped them and a wave of forced knocked out every body in the throne room. Trippy I thought to myself. I jumped off of Olympus and took off into the night

How was it?
Remember I if you want a ship I'll go for:

-Perdite (My personal favorite)
-Your choice

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