For the love of awkwardness

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"Art stops being art when you commercialize it."

"Then why do I feel something when I'm around it?"

"Because you're their targeted clientele."


Being a Modern Art history teacher wasn't the easiest job in the world. You explained the theories, gave your rendition of what means, expanded the mind of the average college student and then went home. Your class was completely theoretical and yet it felt like it never lacked excitement.

Well...almost never.

"(Y/N)! Before you leave at 8, I want you to meet someone today." A perky voice called out from the empty hallway.

"That's in, like, two hours, Robin."you yelled out, letting out a groan while going back to your classroom and started organizing your room for tomorrow's class.

The hours went by as slowly as a sloth working in a DMV. When it was time to leave, you grabbed your things and started walking out to see your companion's request.

Well, was going to start walking to Robin's office when you had to slip out of your classroom, crashing against a mass you could easily describe as a brick wall. The smell of Invictus  permeated the air you breathed and the only thing your little brain managed to do is hold for dear life and hope you didn't fall.


You lifted your head towards the noise and slowly opened your eyes.

Only to blush.

Release your grip.

And stammer out numerous apologies.

"Oh no. I am SO sorry! I didn't mean to grab onto you! I thought I was gonna fall but apparently my clumsy self  just seemed to-"

"Grab ahold for dear life?" The stranger offered with a chuckle.

"Yes, exactly." You took a better look at him, the sight was marvelous.

Blonde hair, sleepy blue eyes, towering height- oh, he was as if DaVinci drew the perfect Man and made it real.

You ogled and stammered for a bit before remember you had to be somewhere.

"I-I'm so sorry, I have to meet up with a friend. I hope you have a lovely night!" And you power walked as fast as you could to Robin's office. Feeling humiliated and oddly satisfied.


"Robin, I'm telling you, that man was as if I walked into a dream and he didn't even seem but bothered that I bumped into him, a-at all! He was so dreamy!~" was the only thing you could say. You had confided in Robin your little accident and your coworker was laughing at how cute you looked.

"Well, I hope you're ready for what I'm going to sa-" she was interrupted as the door was knocked and gave permission to enter.

"Ah, perfect." Robin cooed. Letting the man enter and your heart palpitated faster.

"(Y/N), this is Marco Newgate, the new Theory and Practice professor. Marco, this is (Y/N) (L/N), the Modern art History teacher."

You were too mortified to say anything and Marco, like the good sport he was, waved his hand in hello and adjusted his glasses slightly.

"You'll both be in charge of student curation events, among other things. And from now on, you're going to be next door neighbors." She finished, ushering both professors outside,locking up and waving the both of you good bye as you stared at her, leaving.

Ah, yes.


Now what?

"Well, I have to go as well, but I hope we can get along." He said softly, making you nod and gave him a small smile.

"I-uh, hope we get along splendidly. Have a lovely night Professor Newgate."

"Likewise, Professor (L/N). May we bump into each other again."
He said cheekily.

This year was beginning to look promising, that's for sure.

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