The Rightful King

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Loneliness. A feeling he hated with a passion. He stood there, alone and surrounded by the green and purple atmosphere that was the home to every single ghost he knew of. Dread filled his body as the eerie silence made him tremble in anger.

Daniel 'Danny' Fenton, also known as the ghostly hero Danny Phantom, knew that he didn't make the greatest of choices. But he was running on a time limit, and he was desperate. His arch nemesis had the balls to send a huge Ectoranium, a kind of ore that affected ghosts, meteorite straight at the Earth. The possibilities of there not being a planet Earth soon enough was huge.

"Damn it…" He cursed, the words flowing through the space around him as he clenched his fist in rage. It reminded him that he was always alone, even when he was surrounded by many people that cared for him. Ghost seemed to hate his gut for either being different from the others or just plain old grudge for defeating them in the past. Humans hated him for being something unnatural, a freak to their normal reality.

He didn't know what else to do. Every single option that he could think of was being eliminated in his mind as fast as he thought of it. No matter just how many options he actually had, he needed help to accomplish said goal. But here he was, alone yet again.

"You seem to be in quite the predicament, Daniel" Danny could recognize that voice anywhere. He didn't need to look back to know that the Ghost of Time was standing right behind him. The Ghost of Time had been his mentor, the one who protected him from The Observants who wanted him dead. "Maybe I can be of assistance"

"Clockwork, by now I would even let Dan help me" He hated his future self, but he would gladly make a truce with his darker version if it managed to protect his planet from impending doom. He couldn't stand the thought that he is not able to accomplish his obsession, which keeps ghosts from fading away. "What do I need to do?"

"Claim what is yours, and it shall help you save the day" Clockwork's words made little to no sense to the half human and half ghost hybrid. He made a frown, his lips forming a slight sneer as he wanted to yell into the vast nothingness that was the Infinite Realm, the real name of the Ghost Zone. He was on the verge of just pulling his white hair out. "With fire and rage, you will reach your destiny"

And with that, the Ghost of Time left him alone. He clenched his fist tighter than usual, red and green ooze flowing through his nails and dripping into the unending phantasmal zone. The last sentence made Danny realize that this was going to be harder than usual, accepting something that he clearly didn't want. He couldn't even think of the day that he would have to leave everything behind just to fulfill his supposed destiny.

"Do I really have to…" He cut his words prematurely, remembering what was at stake. He sighed, a white wisp escaping through his mouth as he realized that he had nothing else to lose. He may be taking what was rightfully his by defeating the Dark One, but he never knew that it would happen. He never wanted that kind of responsibility. "What are you talking about, Danny? You know what needs to be done…"

His eyes turned from toxic green, into freezing blue and finally into blazing red. He would be damned if he didn't try. His friends and family were at stake here, and he was going to do everything in his power to save them all. He would bet his core on it.

Planet Earth; Antartica

Danny appeared through the portal he had just created by using the Infinity Map, the map that shows every location in existence and could create a portal to said location. He could only watch remorsefully as he stared into the blackening sky, the asteroid reaching Earth's location at a fast rate. He knew that the only option he had was to turn Earth intangible.

"It's just me…" His whispers were barely audible to even himself, falling to his knees. It was always him in the end, no one else. It was always him that ended the fight, and it was always him the one that would finish up every mess. "It is always just me"

Activating his powers, Danny roared into the skies. His core pulsed with power as he sent it through his planet. Danny could feel just how his core tried to limit his powers, forcing him to turn unstable for quite a while before forcing his powers into the Earth once more. He could feel his muscles clenching, his bones snapping and his blood flowing. But he still went on with what he needed to do.

"Come on…" Danny muttered, his eyes ever changing. Green, blue and red eyes were mixed into one, his powers growing as his core pulsated even harder against his chest. He could feel a hand over his shoulder, but no one was there. It made him feel that he was not alone, not any longer. And thanks to that presence, it made Danny try even harder. "Come on!"

In an instant, the Crown of Fire materialized over his head. He could feel the heat coming from it, the green wisps flickering through his white hair harmlessly. But it gave him strength, a boost in power he knew he needed.


"Shit…" Danny opened his eyes widened in shock as his blood, composed of red and green mixture, was vomited out of his mouth. The power given to him was more than what he could withhold in his body. Infinite, like the realm of the ghosts, was his power growing. But even it had his limit, as his core began to crack under the pressure of the power he had rightfully earned by winning his duel against the previous King of the Infinite Realms. "Not now… Not-"

Danny's words were cut off as he stared at the Ring of Rage in front of him. The invite of power was tempting, his mind clouded by the promise of infinite power. But he knew, his heart was telling him so, that he was definitely not going to survive to see another day. So what else did he have to lose?

"I accept you. Your rage, your needs and your requests" Danny's words made the ring in front of him pulsate, a wave of energy passing through him and almost making him stumble completely into the ground. But his obsession was stronger, an uncontrollable fire that flashed brighter than any sun. "So help me!"

In seconds, the ring moved on its own and went straight into Danny's finger. It provided him the strength needed. He had the complete power of the Infinite Realm in his own body. He was king, not by birthright, but his rule was not questionable. The crown and the ring had accepted him, giving him the power of the Infinite Realm. But with every surge of power that he had, another crack in his core would appear.

"Just a bit more…" Blood fell out of his eyes as he looked straight at the glowing green meteorite falling straight at the Earth. He knew that he almost had it, the power of his core as wild as ever. It released power he didn't even know he had in him, though he was sure thankful that he had such hidden strength inside of him. "Come… On!"


He felt it, his core broke. But it made things far easier. His power circled all around the Earth, turning everything intangible. And in a matter of seconds, the Ectoranium asteroid passed through the Earth. Danny kept staring at the meteorite until he couldn't see it any longer. And it was then that he gave up. His power left the Earth, turning everything back to normal. Everything was fine, and he was happy about it.

"Thank you…" Tears of blood fell down his eyes, looking straight at the Crown of Fire and the Ring of Rage. Items that held such power and bright, were now just dull and void. The Crown of Fire had a crack all across it, the green flame all but gone through the wind. The ring was broken in two, void of the outstanding rage it was commonly known by.

He turned over, looking at the sky's blue shine. It was an amazing sight, and it was surely his last sight before his demise. He couldn't feel anything at all. His core was shattered and he couldn't feel his heart. He was alive just by the pure will to know that he finished his responsibilities.

"I did it…" Danny gave a bloody smile, his eyes closing slowly as he gave up. He couldn't keep on holding on to life any longer, his body weak from the pressure he gave it by releasing such an infinite amount of power. He just wanted to rest, to finally be free of everything he needed to do. But a light shone in front of him, obscuring everything in front of him.

"Your time is not over yet, King Phantom. You are still needed" He didn't know where the voice came from, but he knew that there was no other chance for him. Maybe in another world he would have another chance, but he knew one thing. That he was going to be alone once more.

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