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     Shit, I've been caught. Thirteenth time for this high school. As I walked to give up my phone, I glimpsed Mary Kate giving me an evil look in her eye, but I payed not much attention. I also noticed Tom the hottest guy in the school smirking at me. (why is he doing that? Help!) I gave my phone to the demon, Mr.Culmer and walked back to my seat with my foot up on the desk. I have been forced to listen for the rest of the class. (Praise the Lord!!) The bell rung. I jogged out the door for lunch and I decided to ditch school but my friend held me back (total mistake).  So I walked to my locker to grab my books for the last two periods and I saw him. Tom Brady, he came and kissed me on my cheek out of nowhere. And there was this homecoming in 4 weeks and he asked me! Out of all the people, me! I did a happy dance in my mind and ran to lunch to tell Lucy everything that has happened. Squee! My happiest day of all time!

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