[ 22. ]

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❛ Just know that if you hide—it doesn't go away

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Just know that if you hide—it doesn't go away.

There was nothing May wanted more than for the staff meeting to be over. Her eyes wandered through the room as heroes argued with each other about security measures and budget. She tried not to blink. Every time she closed her eyes, she could see blank white ones staring back.

Midnight's elbow rested right next to May's pens. She made it a point to sit next to the heroine. When she raised her voice and it echoed throughout the room, it drowned out anything else tormenting May's mind. And when May would let her eyes rest on the heroes, they always found Present Mic's citrusy glasses reflecting back at her.

"And that concludes the budget allocations for the coming months!" Nezu's cheery voice cut through the arguments.

Midnight turned her sharp chin toward May. "I'll be by later this evening. Don't worry; we won't do anything too crazy."

Truth be told, May dreaded asking Midnight for such a favor. But after hearing story after story about escapades in her Hosu penthouse, it felt like the only real option. She just... she just couldn't handle facing her friends and family. When she thought too hard about their smiling faces, she'd spiral deeper into her personal abyss.

Their phone call was much more pleasant than May could've ever expected. It just so happened Midnight had patrol anyway.

"Thank you. I'm sure you'll find something to ask me," May had said, sprawled out on the floor of her apartment.

"I already have an itemized list of at least fifteen things!" Midnight had screeched, voices and pounding music deafening anymore of her laughter or random comments.

As Midnight sauntered away from the room, May shouldered her bag. It wasn't easy to avoid conversations, though it seemed no one else caught wind of her abhorrent response to Hiroto's appearance at the Sports Festival.

She kept her head down and counted the lines in the tile. It stretched on for miles, her heeled shoes tapping at her eardrum with each walk. The hot needle burned at every bright light, at every face, and at every mirror.

I can make it out of here, then I'll think about what to do next.

Yeah, that's it. Just make it to the door.

To the door.

Where's the door again?

May tore her stare away from the floor and found herself in an entirely different part of the school. Empty and cavernous walls greeted her. Her hand scraped down her face.

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