A New Beginning

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Dozing peacefully without a worry in the world, I groaned as my arch nemesis— started ringing with the urgency that had almost given me a heart attack. I was damn sure that I had turned off the alarm clock before, but the thing seemed to have a mechanism of its own. Or maybe it was there to jinx my life just like everything else. Because as I rolled on the bed— stuffing my ears with the pillow and trying to coax myself back to sleep—  the door banged open.  

Without notice, the shutters were pulled back harshly to welcome the pastel walls with bright sunlight. My eyes fluttered open, ready to throw hands at whoever had disturbed me from my beautiful fantasy. Nevertheless, I was quick to swallow my anger, wincing as the woman with identical auburn hair- crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently against the wooden floorboards.

"Mom," I protested at the covers yanked from my body. "That's not how you wake up someone." Shivering, I hugged my bare legs, trying to shelter them from the cold air.

"Today is your first training lesson, and look at you still drooling around. Your bother has been waiting for you for the past ten minutes!" 

Oh crap! I totally forgot about that.

"Tell Alex to wait. I'll be there in five minutes," I called as I rushed into the washroom. "And I do not drool!"


Satin and velvet rustled the streets as women strode with high heels, shopping bags dangling from each arm. Children's laughter chimed in my ears, and the scent of cinnamon and spices tingled my nose. My amber eyes twinkled as I took in the enchanting sight of Celion. 

I hopped on the side path excitedly, jumping up and down with a broad smile on my pink-tinted lips. My brother stood there emotionless, his eyebrows closed together, and lips pursed a thin line. "I will ditch you the next time you get late."

"Come on, don't be so cranky, or you'll get wrinkles before mom and dad," I joked, punching his arm playfully. He just glared at me and kept quiet. What is wrong with him? I thought but shrugged it off as soon as we arrived at our destination.

The Warrior's Academy was a sight to behold. I stared in complete awe as I took in the modern structure. A track was built around the outer wall of the academy, along with a tremendous ring that was probably utilized for outdoor matches. The building was designed to look spacious and somewhat refined, white milky floor reflected the sunlight that reached through the sliding windows fixed near the ceiling. Out of all of that, what took my attention were the walls adorned with spears and swords.

I had accompanied Alex to the academy to watch him train for the past two years. Having said that, I'd never been able to witness the interior as it was exclusive only to the trainees. The wait was worth it. Calling this place beautiful would be an understatement. Few other academies had the official right to train and produce warriors. However, this one by far was the most prestigious. That also meant that in the last few years, only about a handful was granted the precious title of the warrior.

I was pulled back to reality when a man in his late 20s— called me to the front. Walking forward, I shook his hand as he looked at me judgingly.

"So you are the new recruit, my name is Edward Black, and I am going to be your instructor during your time here. Now introduce yourself to the rest of the class."

Taking a deep breath, I put on a confident front as I addressed the audience. "Hello everyone, my name is Flair Manon, and I hope we can get along." Trying to discern their expression would prove to be a fruitless task, as most of them had blank and indifferent faces.

"Everyone take your positions and resume your training while I guide Miss Greenhorn," he addressed them before turning to me with an unpleasant sneer.

"So listen here, little girl. There are a few rules that you will need to follow if you want to resume your training. First, don't ever get late for my class again, or I'll make that it's your last day here. Secondly, don't think I will go easy on you just because you're a girl. In fact, by the time I'm through with you, you'll wish you never came here in the first place. And last but not the least, don't ask stupid questions, or I'll make you do twenty push-ups. Got it?"

Wow, he's got a nasty attitude. Okay, Flair, it's your first day. Don't mess up. I talked to myself as I tried to keep my nerves under control.

 I nodded, swallowing the retort that might possibly blow his fuse.

"Answer me when I ask you a question. I don't like to repeat myself!"

Clenching my fist, I shouted, "Yes, Sir!"

"Good. Now give me fifty push-ups and fifty sit-ups and set a timer. Call me when you're done. So that I can assign you more tasks." He said sternly and swaggered away.

God, this is going to be harder than I expected. I sighed as I set the timer and got to work.

Author's Note:-
Hi Guys. I just wanted to inform you that the book is still in its raw form, which means that it is not yet edited, I will get to that part once I finish the book. Thank you to those who support this story through their votes, comments, and reads. It means the world to me! I promise I will try my best to do justice to all the characters and make your time worthwhile. Love you guys!❤️

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