Chapter 1-Begining of 2nd year

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Deku pov:
We where all back at school today,as it is first day back and first day in 2nd year evryone here already and everyone is so tall but i'm tallest i've had to have Aizawa bulid me a new room in dorns 2 weeks before so i could fit in there,wich Aizawa said me and baku can share to bring us closer,i live right ontop and have a staff dorm room owch is tall so i can fit.we where all chilling as a small figure comes in common room at first i thought it was mineta but then i see blond hair "KACCHAN!!?" I shout out "OH MY GOD YOUR SO SHORT" mina shouts out he looks at me and gasp and blushes "F-Fuck off nerd!" He says blushing and walks i chuckles"Oi kachan your sharing a dorm with me now" i say he blushes "F-Fine where's your damn room?"he ask i chuckle "it's in top floor the only dorm up there"i say he nods and goes up there

Baku pov
I reach upstairs and see the room the door was 7"0 tall the walls where 7"3 tall and it was huge is much space bed was big and there was only one 'Really only one' i thought to myself and sigh then unpack all my stuff into my wadorbe puts everythinh on my desk as there was 2 deks,2 wadrobes

Later on in night I was in the floor bent over under my desk putitng my phone on charge and deku walks in seieng me and walks over and slaps my ass "Nice ass kacchan~" he says smirking i blushes and jumped bashing my head abit and pulls out ffom under desk "W-Why hell did u do that!?" I ask blushing red "couldn't help it u have sucha nice ass i could easlily fuck u" he says smirking i look at him confused and being innocent '"W-What do u mean by fuck me" i aks confused he looks at me shocked "Nothing" he said 'he's so innocent it's adorable' deku thinks in his own mind "Anyway let's get to bed"he says changing i to jogging bototms and no shirt laying on bed i nod and was already in my pjs which was shorts and crop pj top i go over to bed and get in "Night deku" i say and clsoes my eyes

Deku pov
"Night Kacchan" i say smiling and looks at kacchan as he falls alseep and how short he really is his head was up to ny head as he slept and he was slepeing straight and his feet reach to my waist line he was so short 'he so short it's cute"i think to myself as i put my arms around his waist and pulls him close blushing soflty and i soon fall asleep

Next day,in clas

Deku pov still:
We where in claes and everyone kept calling kacchan short which annoyed him alot he snapped at them blasting explosion at them wich i watched amd chuckled,At lunch i was walking in halls and i see some off 1-b picking on kacchan abd there where tall like 1-a between heighst off 5"8 to 6"3 and they wehere beating up kacchan i see it and i run up to them and punch the 1-b students knocking them out and looks at kacchan "Kaxchan are u okay?" I ask him he stand up and hugs me his arms around my waist as he was so short and he was crying "N-Nwo they hurt me so much and called me names" he says i pick him up having him wrap his legs around my waist and his arms around me neck "It's okay,Don't listen to them they know nothing and evyething they say about u is not true' i say soflty and he smiles a bit i walk him to recovry girl so she could heal him

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