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As Alfred finished picking up his coat, Damian frowned with a twisted mouth. When he was upset, he would sharpen his green eyes and make a little noise with his teeth.


Dick seemed a little more lost in himself, but still alert enough to notice the puppy's behavior. He couldn't tell him everything was fine, but he couldn't leave him this angry all night either.

"It's time to go to bed"

"I don't want to go to bed."

He sighed, reaching out to the little one and grabbing his shoulder. Dick leaned in slightly and put his fingers on Damian's chin, so that he could raise his face a little and look at him directly.

"I know you don't want to, but you must. You have an important breakfast with your father tomorrow, don't you?"

"He needs to know today, Grayson. Today!"

"Your father knows what he heard. You don't need to tell him anything, Dami."

"What he needs to know is my opinion of it." Damian clenched his fists, determined to make his way to his father's office and shout at the top of his lungs what he thought of the event they had just attended. Or rather, of their hosts.

"Damian." This time Dick spoke louder, a little harshly. "Please. I'll handle this, okay?"

"But...!" Damian wanted to continue to protest, to defend him. It was in his nature as an alpha, to fight for his family. But Dick had that look that said he was losing his patience. Damian didn't know if it were about him or about the same problem, but he preferred not to take any risks. He huffed angrily and turned his cheek. "Good. Have it your way."

Dick smiled back at him. He leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, Dami." The boy felt embarrassed and rushed up to his room to rest. Although he kept calling him Grayson, he had long since begun to think of him as a mother. Still, that didn't mean he could get used to a mother's affection.

At least Dick was more relaxed and could take a long breath.

"Is there anything else you would like me to do for you, sir?" Alfred, who didn't know what was going on but was usually the reasonable adult in the house, expected him to be more confident in asking for advice.

"No, Alfred. You should also go and get some rest." After a couple seconds, the butler nodded and left while still holding the coats on his arm.

Richard sighed, grasping the railing of the elegant stairs of this mansion. The many steps overwhelmed him for a few seconds. There were so many of them.

Bruce appeared suddenly in the room, heaving a tired sigh.

"I'm sorry, I had to call Lucius back urgently. It could not wait."

Bruce had different types of businesses and factories all over Gotham. He had topped the list of the richest men in the entire country in 1953. Dick would not be surprised if soon, with the speed at which his business empire was growing, he'd enter a world list.

That kind of power was what kept him busy most of the day. It was also what had them coming home at this time of night, dressed in elegant clothes with touches of opulence. Damian and Bruce's suit had touches of gold threads on the neck and sleeves. Richard had royal sapphires as cufflinks and a light silver necklace.

When other wealthy alphas from ancient Gotham families invite you to one of their parties, you can't just say no. Their decisions and friendship helped keep the money flowing easily into their hands. It was always like a new world when he went there. So much food, so much jewelry, so many jokes that felt alien to the rest of the world. That's why he liked Bruce; Bruce's thoughts were never so banal.

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