1: Clair de lune

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Not the hush whispers at night nor the belly aches could stop Madison from heading down the crooked stairs in a long clinging gown

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Not the hush whispers at night nor the belly aches could stop Madison from heading down the crooked stairs in a long clinging gown. There she went, a foot at time gingerly cascading down the stairs till her light feet crossed path with the coarse floor.

She felt her heart rise up her chest, as she kept gliding through the hollow room that aligned with the stairs . From her lips, she whispered the old song of the West. "Down the alley," She sang. "Through the creeks, down the path where winters calls, down the stairs though the fountain and out to the world, we would go." She stopped once the tip of her toes felt the metal door which towered above her small frame. With a slight push she was out, engulfed by the chilly wind that blew in such a hurry that it caused her hair unwoven to tussle and her clinging gown that hung below her legs to swerve.

A light gasp hushed the resonant song, as her eyes once overshadowed by grey beamed in amber after landing upon the darkened sky which was blessed with stars, she had long forgotten. The farther she moved, the farther the beams of amber within her eyes brightened aligned to the fast pace of her heart. tingling and tingling! but all didn't seize there for a little turn down the grassy path caressed her ears with the sound of the splashing waves. It was so sweet, so rhythmic, so alluring, that it halted the gracious strides her svelte feet emaciated, welcoming a tear through the grass.

Once the sand collided with her feet, her steps doubled till it was one with the gurgling waves. just then did she let out a scream of wonder, with her fingers running wild through the light gown. it stopped just at the knots tugging at each of them as though time could wait. when all was undone, her skin was one with the chilly air.

Euphoria pumped although not forever as she felt the chilly wind squander to warmth. Then after, she wailed dropping down at the shore in agony as what was left buried in the pit of her soul resurfaced.

It was then it all came back; the belly aches, his rasp voice and hands that radiated her skin in the afterglow.

She felt herself running back to the time in july, when the sun seems so prominent and winds once chilly had shriveled to warmth, Then thy sunflowers had blossomed and the earth crust thickened. The trees which had lost their leaves grew new ones which gracefully danced to the tune of the merry song of the northerners and the night sky once hazy showered the isles of the north with a heavy pour of rain. There in the time of July, in the heart of North was where it all started.

Where she had lost what was hers and buried what was left of her, where she had said goodbye to clouds as clear as day and welcomed ones that cascaded mist of miseries.

She thought she had forgotten July just as she had forgotten the touch of hands sadly she was wrong for the memories of July still transgressed in her mind although it was once in whist, now she relieved it walking through the dead roads of the North draped in a 1956 raiment that fell beneath her bum. It hugged her curves and illuminated her thick legs that was dug into a brown stiletto.

Of beer, she reeked, though she was one to never be enslaved by the aftermath of beer but once the old north brew ran down her throat she was slaved, leaving reality in seconds.

A little lightheaded, she staggered out the club erupting curses from the tip of her tongue. Unknown to her was the danger lurking around. With each step she took she got closer to the shadow lands where the creeps and hookers tasty for the feel of a young lady lived.

From their withered homes they emerged one by one unto the twilight night where her shiloutte reflected. Each of them prude and armed clambered on her as they unleashed tortures with a slam of their hands.

She let out shrills trying hard to free herself from the hands of those rotten men but they were strong and without haste ran their hands down her dress, till she was bare. Her flesh raw was devoured by their flattened lips, while her soul wailed in pain sky diving minute by minute.

Before she knew it, she felt something hard crawl between her legs causing tears to run down her eyes blinding her sight. The luna that reflected upon her had disappeared, so did the sound of their voices which faded away. All that could be seen was hue and a drop a gray that sparkled amidst the darkness 

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