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Seokjin is doubting at first, if he will wear the ring or not. But someone said in he's thought he should wear it.

He slowly grab the ring, and put it on his fingers. After that, he feels like someone snake a one hand to his neck then the other hand grab his waist and it pull him into the darkness.

After a minute seokjin wake up to a place that full of darkness. Then he saw a white screen, like in cinema. It was blank, then after a minute the screen begun to have colors and picture's. He was shock to see his room, then the picture move. Then he saw hands. Seokjin is like watch in horror when he see his face.

 Seokjin is like watch in horror when he see his face

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Who is that, im here.and Why am I blond. Seokjin get up and run's towards the light. He was almost near it. But he bump into something. He push it, he bang the invisible barrier. But it was no use. He was throw against the darkness once again by an invisible force. He's trap in a prison type of room. He can see everything from there. He was left puzzled of what happened to him. He know that the man wasn't him. He can't heard the voice of that blond man.

Who is that man? Why is he in my body? How can I make him leave?. Question in seokjin' s mind.

"Wait where are you going"


Finally I was able to make this man wear my ring, and now I can be with my love jungkook.

I woke up on the floor. I slowly sat on the floor and look around, I saw the clock and it was 7 in the evening.

I pinch my new arms to make sure I was alive. And it hurts.

I was so happy, finally I'm a live.

I open the door.

"In fairness this apartment is nice and neat." I said as I roam around.

Then I was on the main door. I heard someone's voice. I open the door and I see a cute tall man. He smile at me

"Hi jinnie, sorry for the wait. Have you eaten?" He said and I just keep looking at him.

"Hey jinnie, I like your new hair. It suit you well" he continue speaking. Well I think this man is really talkative.

"I will just go out, I need to do something." I lied.

"okay Jinnie, use my coat, it's cold outside. Just be here before 12" I just nod and said. "Thank you" I bow yo him and on my way to our house.

I manage to grab a cab, then I said our address. I just hope that jungkook didn't sell our house or leave it. After 15 minutes I came to our house, my happy face became a frowned when I saw no lights here. It looks like the house was left for months.

"Where are you kookie?" I don't know how long I've been gun.

Something pop of my mind maybe his with tae tae hyung. I know his house, but maybe he also left it.

Where am I going now?

I just sit on the step of the main door. Waiting for no one. I was so helpless.

Jungkook wasn't able to focus on what his doing. He's still thinking if his spell works.

Out of his gut, he came outside, grab his car keys and drove himself to there house. He was feeling at ease.

He knew that if the spell work, his jinho will first go to their house.

He just taking chances. But he really hope to see him once again.

He was near their house. He's heart started to beat faster as he saw a shadow like silhouette of a man. He drove the car faster. He get out of the car. He melted his hearth, he heard soft sobbing sound from the man. The man was looking down on the grass.

"Jinho" he said. Jungkook want to be sure.

Then the man lifted his head.

"Kookie" he said with full of delight.
Jungkook run towards his love.

"Jinnie, I can't believe this is really you" they hug each other like there's no tomorrow. They jungkook shower him with kisses. Jinho giggles. He really misses his love.

"Your late, why you had left our house?" Jungkook just kiss his soft lips. "I'ts a long story" he said. Then he grab his keys and open the door.
He open the lights on and jinho was amaze. Because it was just like it when he left.

"Wow, this is just like when I left"

"Yes, I really keep it like before. I went the every weekend. I just didn't come here this week. Because I'm stalking seokjin" jinho glare at jungkook.

"Don't look at me like that I did it for you, my love."

Jungkook, look at his love it was indeed his jinnie. He again capture his lips. He remove jinho's coat and his coat, he put it to the sofa.

"Thank god I trust my intuition, now I  have you again" said jungkook.

"Yes, thank god to your intuition, I didn't know where to go, if you didn't come I probably wondering the street" jinho said.

"I miss you so much" said jungkook he carry seokjin bridal style, they went upstairs and went to their room. He lay his husband to their bed. Jinho was smiling his anticipating what jungkook will do next.

"I want to feel you more, can I?" He said to his husband. Then jinho nod. That night was full of happiness for the lovers, they had the best night of their life. They didn't know that someone is crying from the other side. Because he lost the one thing that he treasure him so much......his virginity.

You all just thought of your needs, you didn't bother to respect his body. Im the real victim here. Someone is using my body without permission. And now I'm not a virgin anymore.

Seokjin didn't thought that the night will end. He just cry himself to sleep and didn't know what will happen tomorrow.


a loud slap was heard the room.

"How dare you to take advantage of me" seokjin slap jungkook. He was furious.

I will cut it here.

As I promise another update of ring.


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