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Okay so I messed this book up a lot.

I have already deleted this book and completely re-written the book once before and I don't wanna do that again.

For those who read idiots I tried linking this book with idiots the thing is  I messed up the ageing so nothing makes sense unless the whole book is flashbacks

Hyunin had a huge part of how hey got together but I guess that will remains a secret for me. But I am gonna make up for it. Hyunin are actually very important to minchan's story and I will make sure at some point you get to see how.

Anyways point being I promise I will not delete this but in order for me not to do that I need this book to go under serious editing.

This is the reason I have been loosing motivation to write this book and if I don't fix it I won't be able to continue this.

If you get a lot of notifs I am sorry.

You won't have to re-read it don't worry

What is actually gonna change?

Basically it is still linked to idiots but it won't talk about the others past. I said it would include how minho got abused and adopted and all of that and you know Minho's past.

From now on this book will strictly be Hyunin's story and not their (everyone elses) past.

However the whole minchan wedding concept will stay.

If this is too confusing then you can re-read it but it's not necessary.

Sorry for taking so long to tell y'all.

Once it's edited I will go back to regularly writing this book.

I hope you really enjoy this.

But like the whole Seungin thing won't change that's a key element to this book.

I will publish the next chap the same day after all the editing is done.

I'll try make it as fast as possible I am really sorry

Peace out ✌️ I love you and thank you


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